Thursday, September 27, 2007

John Edwards for 24 Hours for Darfur

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 03:51:21
User: 24hoursfordarfur
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Part of a global video advocacy campaign to help end the crisis in Darfur.


NickSayle ::: Favorites
equally, why should america poke its nose in where its not wanted, the usa has caused more international discord then anyother country in the world, why do you think so many nations hate the usa.
07-09-27 07:33:49
KimKinMIA ::: Favorites
America most definitely to take a close look at our morality as a nation and make improvements; Darfur is a solid catalyst and hopefully as a result there will be a more widespread effort globally. Wake up voters, we share this planet with all life and need do demand a government with stronger moral judgement. Edwards is absolutely correct!
07-09-17 10:15:40
Vaultese ::: Favorites
Fuck Darfur. Why the hell should the U.S. baby sit the rest of the God damned world when we've got enough problems of our own right fucking here? Morons!
07-09-17 06:44:21
eternallybeatdown ::: Favorites
everyone needs help right now the ground you walk on needs help
07-09-17 01:55:01
bill93921 ::: Favorites
So after we leave Iraq will Edeards send in the army to prevent the Kurds from getting massacred. He is a true chicken hawk
07-09-16 21:39:40
FemaCamps ::: Favorites
Damn hippocrates! It's just propaganda so in future they can have a regime change down there! They don't want to help anyone! They never want to help anyone except themselves! The Palestinians really need help! There is a real genocide going on!
07-09-16 21:04:34
Nickrayadams ::: Favorites
I wondering when someone was going to start addressing this issue..........Good Video!
07-09-16 19:48:19
SepiaGuruDude ::: Favorites
Some of the military action the US takes is just ridiculous, I'll say that much. But frankly, I don't care what restricts our country. I am a human being. Those other humans being murdered out there are my brothers and sisters. I'll justify myself as a human long before I will myself an American. So, no, I DO have a right to try to help those men and women out there.
07-09-16 13:38:00
nocturneofsilence ::: Favorites
i meant to say we "cant be" lol
07-09-16 13:12:53
nocturneofsilence ::: Favorites
There's NOTHING we can do about it, people are going to do what they want to. We can be the police to the world. All we can say is "we dont like it when you kill your own people."
07-09-16 13:12:13

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