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Duration: 06:52 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-15 08:17:26 User: BonJovi011 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses |
Comments | |
02rocke ::: Favorites love this man !! 07-10-16 04:35:10 __________________________________________________ | |
wend69 ::: Favorites it's brill as always 07-10-06 15:31:16 __________________________________________________ | |
elendillo ::: Favorites Well, i could do that, if you want. But i just play Piano, no Guitar, sorry;-)) 07-10-05 11:14:33 __________________________________________________ | |
elendillo ::: Favorites What was his name? 07-10-05 11:10:44 __________________________________________________ | |
FBlackGammon ::: Favorites This song shows so many feelings, i really love it!!! 07-10-05 05:31:24 __________________________________________________ | |
plc43 ::: Favorites Beautiful lyrics - want someone to sing like that to me (did you hear that Jon!) 07-10-03 12:06:24 __________________________________________________ | |
cupid43 ::: Favorites I love this song and Bon Jovi, he is hot! This song remind me of my ex-boyfriend from sweden, he was loveable and hot too! :-) 07-10-02 04:46:23 __________________________________________________ | |
evadamgaard ::: Favorites this my bedst favorite song of him so lovely ever ever 07-09-22 13:12:23 __________________________________________________ | |
mjjlover9 ::: Favorites awesome! 07-09-22 09:42:18 __________________________________________________ | |
sweetoceanangel ::: Favorites this song takes my breath away its so romantic jon youre sooooooo hooooooooooot 07-09-06 22:16:22 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Bon Jovi - Bed Of Roses
"Sammi Cheng" in singing contest
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Duration: 02:14 minutes Upload Time: 2006-04-19 01:44:05 User: punjasmine :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The boy kind of "Sammi Cheng" in CheungKwanO singing contest. Their tones'r really alike*0* |
Comments | |
WootSendo ::: Favorites fuck... this guy gave me chills! DAMN! loool very nice singing 07-09-18 23:44:15 __________________________________________________ | |
asianhabibi ::: Favorites awesome! 07-09-05 15:38:26 __________________________________________________ | |
chinchin1234 ::: Favorites all i see is boxes i dont got the program to read it can u send the song to this email sai_chin519@hotmial or just add me on msn and send it through there 07-05-29 12:35:05 __________________________________________________ | |
chinchin1234 ::: Favorites all i see is boxes i dont got the program to read it can u send the song to this email sai_chin519 at hotmial or just add me on msn and send it through there 07-05-29 12:32:39 __________________________________________________ | |
des914 ::: Favorites 世界之最(你願意) 07-05-29 12:28:47 __________________________________________________ | |
chinchin1234 ::: Favorites wats the name of the song he's singin? 07-05-16 04:31:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Sky300 ::: Favorites this guy is amazing. 07-05-14 11:29:03 __________________________________________________ | |
twopm ::: Favorites HOLY CRAP! SOUNDS LIKE SAMMI! 07-05-07 18:17:09 __________________________________________________ | |
AKHP ::: Favorites ya, he rly sang that. =P 07-04-17 22:35:10 __________________________________________________ | |
atear101 ::: Favorites wait wait wait...is it really him singing or lipsinking? 07-04-12 21:21:02 __________________________________________________ |
Black Sabbath Children of the Sea
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Duration: 07:47 minutes Upload Time: 2006-10-09 20:29:06 User: EastVan666 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: More from the Dehumaniser tour |
Comments | |
guitarcenter999 ::: Favorites If it wasnt for Sabbath we wouldnt have bands like Iron Maiden, Slayer, Metallica, Testament, and many others. THESE GUYS ARE THE FATHERS OF METAL PERIOD. 07-10-22 16:56:01 __________________________________________________ | |
hoodadzamin ::: Favorites Awesome ! 07-10-21 00:36:01 __________________________________________________ | |
revalfresh ::: Favorites Black Sabbath is a Legend and we love them. Everyone should listen to them. They are one of our biggest influences. Our band Amaggot Bordir owes alot to them. We just added a new video today on my profile if anyone wants to hear something new and heavily influenced by Sabbath. 07-09-23 13:24:32 __________________________________________________ | |
shjoed ::: Favorites Cooper was just as good ....the whole show rocked! 07-09-14 20:27:04 __________________________________________________ | |
Fotec ::: Favorites cooper was better 07-09-12 15:29:27 __________________________________________________ | |
shjoed ::: Favorites We saw Dio last night with "Heaven and Hell" at Jones Beach 9/8/07 He has been around forever and still hasn't lost a step....Rock on Dude! 07-09-09 14:23:59 __________________________________________________ | |
Maidenhead1990 ::: Favorites Dio is God 07-09-01 06:59:22 __________________________________________________ | |
deanguitarirving ::: Favorites BLack Sabbath rules!!!! in special tony iommi!! 07-08-08 18:39:50 __________________________________________________ | |
paul1986 ::: Favorites best bassist alive 07-07-08 11:34:38 __________________________________________________ | |
bumknucker ::: Favorites AWESOME!!!! 07-06-18 12:31:10 __________________________________________________ |
Stealth Media Huntington Beach 06
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Duration: 06:23 minutes Upload Time: 2006-08-07 01:27:47 User: evillaw4eva :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A Stealth Media production, edited to reach youtube 100mb restrictions. You can see the whole thing at StealthMedia-Productions.com This features Dynasty, XSV, Infamous, Oakland Empire, and many more teams! |
Comments | |
stcuqrt837244 ::: Favorites Hot Singles all looking for a party. _ 2hut.com__ 07-10-23 13:22:11 __________________________________________________ | |
ricktelfordapimp ::: Favorites when it comes to makein kick ass xsv videos stealth media is the best 07-08-05 18:50:29 __________________________________________________ | |
ballistik76 ::: Favorites nice vid 07-07-21 10:58:20 __________________________________________________ | |
lolhax3 ::: Favorites True he's on dynasty now 07-05-13 18:45:51 __________________________________________________ | |
Reid000 ::: Favorites ^he's not on xsv anymore though 07-02-06 19:56:42 __________________________________________________ | |
dragon918 ::: Favorites davey williamson is awesome! 07-02-01 14:52:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Reid000 ::: Favorites o my bad din't see the whole thing 06-11-23 09:20:04 __________________________________________________ | |
shockersteve ::: Favorites Beginning was practices, 2nd half was actual 06 hb footage 06-11-19 21:54:17 __________________________________________________ | |
Reid000 ::: Favorites why i called huntington beach its just team practices 06-10-09 09:38:20 __________________________________________________ | |
jinsaga ::: Favorites tight 06-09-24 12:24:34 __________________________________________________ |
PIAZZA ALIMONDA di Francesco Guccini
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Duration: 06:57 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-19 10:15:27 User: ILVIZIODELPENSIERO :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Una canzone di Guccini per Carlo Giuliani |
Comments | |
cessssso ::: Favorites e si torna sempre allo stesso discorso: Organizzazzione di M... Fatti di M.... 07-10-24 08:20:36 __________________________________________________ | |
cessssso ::: Favorites purtroppo è vero,e se ci pensi fa molto male!!! Però mi rifiuto crede ad una cosa del genere!! Mettiti nei miei panni o meglio di quelli di quei CC che nn sono inervenuti!!!è troppo atroce ricevere un ordine del genere! 07-10-24 08:19:13 __________________________________________________ | |
cessssso ::: Favorites Scusa ma nn capisco il senso della tua frase: >Oddio, ho visto certe manovre con le camionette OM in quella occasione... :)> 07-10-24 08:16:23 __________________________________________________ | |
cessssso ::: Favorites li chiamo no-global per comodità essendo che nn conosco i movimenti dei disobbedienti. Ti dico lo stesso che ho detto ad un altro utente: se qualcuno la pensa così nn ci si può far nulla, che siano della polizia o meno nn importa tanto nn puoi ricavarci nulla da una telefonata del genere. nn può rappresentare una prova!!!!! 07-10-24 08:15:09 __________________________________________________ | |
Protozoma ::: Favorites PACE AI MORTI 07-10-24 06:02:21 __________________________________________________ | |
1BNH9 ::: Favorites >sei spaventato e molto inesperto! APpunto, è quello che dicevo. Pazzo chi ha messo un 19enne alla guida di un defender nelle operazioni di OP a Genova. >nessuno di loro aveva esperienza Oddio, ho visto certe manovre con le camionette OM in quella occasione... :) 07-10-23 16:22:37 __________________________________________________ | |
1BNH9 ::: Favorites >Magari sarebbero stati gli stessi commenti che avrebbero fatto i no-global se fosse morto Placanica A parte che "noglobal" e molto generico ma... Se un pistola qualsiasi parla, pace (ci sono tanti fascistoidi che fanno a gara a chi dice più cazzate), se a dire cose del genere sono i tutori della legge... la cosa ha un peso diverso. 07-10-23 16:16:23 __________________________________________________ | |
1BNH9 ::: Favorites >a che scopo il fatto di lasciare 3 poveri CC in balia di decine di manifestanti imbufaliti per una carica senza senso? Il morto ha fatto molto comodo... 07-10-23 16:14:12 __________________________________________________ | |
XxxSilverxxxX ::: Favorites A parte il fatto che successivamente i carabinieri hanno cercato di far risalire la causa della morte a una pietra spostata vicino alla testa del ragazzo. Queste cose NON devono succedere e non me ne frega nulla se non sono tutti cosi.Non ce ne deve essere nemmeno uno così. 07-10-23 15:36:57 __________________________________________________ | |
cessssso ::: Favorites >Più che altro la carenza di esperienza riguardava più Cavataio (il guidatore): manovre di fuga in quella situaizone erano possibilissime... é vero ma in momenti come quelli è naturale che tu perda il controllo,la manovra nn ti viene,sei spaventato e molto inesperto! Io personalmente nn darei la colpa a nessuno dei CC per semplice fatto che nessuno di loro aveva esperienza tale da poter operare in maniera ottimale! 07-10-23 15:32:26 __________________________________________________ |
Asian Tsunami, 2004 (Koh Lanta)
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Duration: 01:01 minutes Upload Time: 2006-11-21 11:42:08 User: pedro91107 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC (07:58:53 local time) December 26, 2004 with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake triggered a series of devastating tsunamis that spread throughout the Indian Ocean, killing large numbers of people and inundating coastal communities across South and Southeast Asia, including parts of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand. The video shows the Tsunami wave approaching the beach at Koh Lanta. |
Comments | |
Jackbauer346 ::: Favorites i want to say this to everyone. something i learnt at school about earthquakes and tsunamis and stuff was dont run away from a tsunami because if you face a tsunami head on in a beach then it softens the blow and you have a chance to survive but if you run then it will hit you and you will be slammed all over the place 07-10-24 07:30:57 __________________________________________________ | |
ImRickJamesBitch1 ::: Favorites Fuck dudes run....run...dont stand there. 07-10-23 21:12:05 __________________________________________________ | |
ImRickJamesBitch1 ::: Favorites Actually tsunamis are smaller and faster out at sea and as they reach shallower water they become larger and slower. Thats why they are so hard to detect. Out at sea a large tsunami is only a little bit bigger than a normal wave. 07-10-23 21:10:46 __________________________________________________ | |
RollingRock24 ::: Favorites They say it could be caused from a volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands along with earthquakes and then a landslide. 07-10-17 02:49:02 __________________________________________________ | |
RollingRock24 ::: Favorites It would be that tall at sea but by the time it traveled across the atlantic and reached shore it would be reduced in size but still very powerful. 07-10-17 02:41:12 __________________________________________________ | |
RollingRock24 ::: Favorites What's scary is that scientists believe that one day there is going to be a mega tsunami that will be started from a island collapsing into the sea from a earthquake or volcano eruption, can't remember, but they said the wave will be over 3,000 feet tall. 07-10-17 02:31:57 __________________________________________________ | |
RollingRock24 ::: Favorites It's sad, the people had a chance to get away but they didn't recognize what to look for in a tsunami. When the water drew back from the beach they should have immediately dragged their asses, people went down to the beach to see what was goin on. 07-10-17 02:28:49 __________________________________________________ | |
RollingRock24 ::: Favorites The difference between this and a mega tsunami is that when you have one generated by a earth quake it's multiple waves pushing through shore one after the other. Somethin like a landslide will generate one big mega wave that could be anywhere from a few hundred feet tall to over a thousand feet tall. 07-10-17 02:27:57 __________________________________________________ | |
ReactiveDoze ::: Favorites very moving video. I created a song called tiny troopers that pays homage to the people affected by this disater. Please have a listen on Myspace music under Reactive Doze. There are two versions of the song. tiny troopers zero will have a video to accompany it. 07-10-11 00:42:48 __________________________________________________ | |
SirJapsiWallop2k7 ::: Favorites lol hellow jason. shut up anyways lol u hate the dicks aswell 07-10-10 13:29:03 __________________________________________________ |
Boondoggle Promo
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Duration: 01:12 minutes Upload Time: 2007-05-10 01:43:31 User: PhilipSchwartz :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: WhoWhat?! Productions presents Boondoggle, a skate video by Philip Schwartz and Pete Spooner straight out of the Twin Cities, Minnesota. The vid is set to come out some time in 2008, and therefore, at this time it is uncertain who will have parts. Get hyped, and while you're at it, tell a friend. BOONDOGGLE! For a downloadable version and updates on Boondoggle, visit http://www.cherryonaspoon.com Song: Sufjan Stevens - Chicago Featuring (in order of appearance): David Jaimes, Dan Narloch, Casey Copenhaver, C.J. Tambornino, Jan Jacobson, Pat Gallaher, Davis Torgerson, Tom Rohrer, Neal Shipe, Eddie Kochendorfer, Tabari Cook, and Chuck Odima. |
Comments | |
skateminnesotahesh ::: Favorites the song is "chicago" by Sufuan Stevens. 07-10-22 22:42:24 __________________________________________________ | |
AprilEthereal ::: Favorites Well done. Good combo of skating filming and editing. 07-10-18 15:07:01 __________________________________________________ | |
623skate ::: Favorites i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-10-13 14:26:09 __________________________________________________ | |
PhilipSchwartz ::: Favorites Read description. 07-10-10 21:35:11 __________________________________________________ | |
shakey03 ::: Favorites wats the song ay?? 07-10-10 11:20:20 __________________________________________________ | |
vumpler1 ::: Favorites Such a good song. I'm lovin all the local vids that have/will come out for the Twin Cities. 07-10-07 14:21:35 __________________________________________________ | |
mattfreedom2002 ::: Favorites looking good! 07-09-25 19:38:55 __________________________________________________ | |
Meiereika ::: Favorites OMG I LOVE THIS 07-09-21 14:28:39 __________________________________________________ | |
JakeSkate306 ::: Favorites fucking once amaizing filming 07-09-18 21:42:37 __________________________________________________ | |
frontBlunt11 ::: Favorites thanks 07-09-03 16:16:40 __________________________________________________ |
My Ridiculous Old Car Neons and Sound System 2
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Duration: 05:37 minutes Upload Time: 2007-06-09 18:40:48 User: Desolator144 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is an old video. I now own a Cougar with actually well installed neons in more reasonable places. But here's a vid of my old experimental concept car where everything was just all over for the fun of it. Don't do this to your car! I added some more neons and LEDs to my car so I shot another better video. There's a SURPRISE ENDING that I think you'll like very much too. Now for the technical stuff: I used cold cathode neon lights, some 4 inch, some 15. You can get them on newegg with the now discontinued sound sensitive module. The LEDs I got on Ebay, they're 1 watt each, extra large at 1 cm wide, and focused to 15 degrees. I'm using 5 sound control modules made for Logisys cold cathode neons. They send out 12 volts so they can power just about anything. I I had to use resistors to get the LEDs down to 3.3V though. The entire system is powered by an 800 watt inverter under the passenger seat and the subs can get about 120 dB together and the satellites about 115 dB. And at the end, what can I say, my dad's a DJ lol. That's like 2000+ watts together and I cheated and used a house circuit in my garage to power it hehehe. CHECK OUT MY OTHER VIDS FOR A VERSION OF JUST THE 40 SECONDS AT THE END OF THIS ONE! |
Comments | |
babyaiko ::: Favorites ddr music lol 07-10-02 20:23:50 __________________________________________________ | |
Desolator144 ::: Favorites not that I recall 07-09-29 14:46:35 __________________________________________________ | |
CrrazyAl ::: Favorites Dude did you play Ross in Friends? 07-09-29 14:03:19 __________________________________________________ | |
sbc400camaro ::: Favorites I hope so haha. and no, i do not read. reading takes too much time. 07-09-27 18:42:47 __________________________________________________ | |
Desolator144 ::: Favorites Do you know how to read? This car I was just messing around with and yes it's ridiculous on purpose. Now I own a cougar with a good install of neons (aka none visible) 07-09-27 17:11:07 __________________________________________________ | |
sbc400camaro ::: Favorites dude seriously, buy a real car. 07-09-27 16:24:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Desolator144 ::: Favorites I couldn't fit my dad's 18" Yorkville sub in so yeah not many 18" ones fit. Was gonna get a JBL S120PII though cuz it's insane for the price and it'd fit lol 07-09-23 12:12:16 __________________________________________________ | |
kueckerdj09 ::: Favorites if your dad is a DJ, why didnt you just get an 18 inch JBL P.A. sub and hook it up an amp? that would get you 120 dB. and please, for the love of god, get a real CD player. its so much better. 07-09-22 21:42:10 __________________________________________________ | |
Desolator144 ::: Favorites that's not a cougar you retard, it's a Tracer. How the hell could you get that wrong when you're clearly from a cougar owner's forum?!?! 07-09-22 02:07:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Desolator144 ::: Favorites Tracers are made by an American company, you know that right? Anyway yeah I was just messing around. In my new Cougar things look a lot different and a lot better and more serious 07-09-22 02:07:18 __________________________________________________ |
Follow- Incubus
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Duration: 04:17 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-11 10:01:55 User: Beratta7 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Halo 2 theme by Incubus. |
Comments | |
Balian0123456789 ::: Favorites ....This is nice song.... 07-09-27 13:52:04 __________________________________________________ | |
throbbingwartool ::: Favorites send dat shit to me! 07-09-21 21:39:48 __________________________________________________ | |
no4 ::: Favorites i heard 'follow' that have lyrics.live by incubus.nice song.tell me if you want it.i'll send to you. 07-09-12 08:08:42 __________________________________________________ | |
tom2mat ::: Favorites Yes please, I'd love to have it! =D 07-10-16 10:12:58 __________________________________________________ | |
DexDust ::: Favorites no wonder its called follow....its the only word sang in the song...lol... 07-09-04 07:48:40 __________________________________________________ | |
xXxEL1TExXx ::: Favorites This song was featured in the Arbiter level of Halo 2 . . . I didn't like the part where the vocals scream "Follow" just like ItalianKOKING! Great song though! 07-08-02 23:46:59 __________________________________________________ | |
HaloEasterEggs101 ::: Favorites haloeastereggs dot com 07-07-28 04:02:29 __________________________________________________ | |
ItalianKOKING ::: Favorites Awesome. Except for when that dude starts to yell "follow yeahhhh" yeah that shit kills it but other than that this song is awesome. 07-07-26 11:45:24 __________________________________________________ | |
ManuelTFox ::: Favorites Pwnage! 07-07-25 01:11:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Sagesrage ::: Favorites idk but i think this song is funny don't ask why 07-07-16 02:25:39 __________________________________________________ |
Michael Hedges - Jitterboogie
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Duration: 03:32 minutes Upload Time: 2006-03-02 01:24:54 User: guitarsoul :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Michael Hedges playing Jitterboogie :) Michael Hedges: http://www.nomadland.com Video Source: http://www.geocities.com/chenshiun/live.htm Pls feel free to PM me or email me at guitar4peace@gmail.com if you have any guitar videos to share! Thanks! :) Regards, Guitarsoul |
Comments | |
SillyBucky ::: Favorites I don't think it's supposed to be an insult. Mr. Hedges probobly would have laughed and said thanx. 07-10-18 14:56:53 __________________________________________________ | |
SillyBucky ::: Favorites BIGGEST acoustic sound of all time(big talent, too) Check out that D to C# "dive" at 01:59. 07-10-18 14:45:34 __________________________________________________ | |
taproot7 ::: Favorites guitarsoul - Where and when was this concert? I saw him in Philly in November of 1997 right before he died. Thought maybe this was the show? 07-10-06 15:29:25 __________________________________________________ | |
acoustic2rock ::: Favorites you can't get a girl yourself olukayngd282 07-07-25 10:14:48 __________________________________________________ | |
therealkingfuse ::: Favorites although i do use a plectrum for a few of his tracks, i dont use one for this, i might try though 07-07-16 21:41:27 __________________________________________________ | |
therealkingfuse ::: Favorites i used to play metal and such but both my guitars broke kind of so i picked up an acoustic shortly after hearing michael, then i adapted this style from there. 07-07-09 14:37:32 __________________________________________________ | |
toooberoot ::: Favorites He uses a pick, yah, i was surprised as well.Remember he came from a regular background guitar-wise, learned and mastered classical technique, then integrated whatever he needed from all the techniques he knew and USED them-that is what made michael hedges. I learned classical and that for a while was all that i was about untill i got into this style.Now i mix and match techniques 07-06-05 13:30:33 __________________________________________________ | |
therealkingfuse ::: Favorites yeh he does, im almost certain he does anways, i do when i play it and it sounds like he is by the crispness of the notes. he does in all along the watchtower aswell, but pretty much the rest of his tracks he doesnt :P 07-05-29 18:13:19 __________________________________________________ | |
renderizer01 ::: Favorites I think he's also using a pick on Silent Anticipations. 07-05-29 07:54:48 __________________________________________________ | |
therealkingfuse ::: Favorites yup haha for once :P 07-05-18 11:22:50 __________________________________________________ |
Priston Tale - Babel na Estrada de Ferro do Caos
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Duration: 04:58 minutes Upload Time: 2006-09-25 15:31:18 User: CaioZer0 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: No vídeo vocês verão eu (CaioZer0), Havvock, Raica, os três do SUPERION, e GenerationX, do Resurrection, enfrentando o Babel de i1. Podem achar que eu fui medroso na maior parte da luta, mas o motivo é que eu era nível 80, tinha pouco hp e lutava pela primeira vez contra um Babel, ah, e por não estar com a experiência zerada, não queria morrer. ;P Obs: não quis fazer nenhuma mega edição de vídeo, eu apenas coloquei uma música pra não ficar no tédio que são os sons do jogo. |
Comments | |
RavenFreitas ::: Favorites daora o video.. putz veio ainda to tentando mata o babel a um tempo cum meu mech.. Mas ta muito foda! 07-09-02 22:58:35 __________________________________________________ | |
CaioZer0 ::: Favorites Então pq assistiu? Vai dormir! ;) 07-07-10 23:23:11 __________________________________________________ | |
aleximux ::: Favorites af que merda isso e um lixo!!! 07-07-09 20:27:44 __________________________________________________ | |
xeikan666 ::: Favorites kra to afim de faze um kina mas qual a build que recomendam? 07-04-26 18:32:12 __________________________________________________ | |
CaioZer0 ::: Favorites Primeiro aprenda a escrever "seus", depois se ainda quiser criticar, faça-o de forma construtiva, nerd. -_-' 07-04-26 08:54:33 __________________________________________________ | |
vinidogg ::: Favorites achei muito ruim seos patos 07-04-25 22:35:40 __________________________________________________ | |
CaioZer0 ::: Favorites O q q lil saint tm a vr com isso?!? LOL Seu mala! 07-03-22 16:52:02 __________________________________________________ | |
P3C0R0S ::: Favorites Caio nerd ^^ lil saint eh ps do awell lol 07-03-22 15:41:42 __________________________________________________ | |
CaioZer0 ::: Favorites I record this movie using FRAPS. 07-03-13 17:18:51 __________________________________________________ | |
YungJc ::: Favorites What did u record this with? 07-03-12 21:02:08 __________________________________________________ |
Allahu akbar!! New Sister converts to islam
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Duration: 03:54 minutes Upload Time: 2007-05-03 01:45:39 User: arabboyffm :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: neue schwester im islam spricht das Glaubensbekenntnis |
Comments | |
TRUUTHZ ::: Favorites All educated and wise people are reverting to the path of Islam which was taught by all prophets from Adam to Muhammad (PBUT). In very short time, due to exponential increase, all Europe and North America will be Muslim as was predicted by George Bernard Shah. Jealous ones cannot stop the path of truth. I say they can never!!! It is just a matter of time. 07-10-08 16:49:16 __________________________________________________ | |
jihaditalib ::: Favorites allaho akbar may allah give u junnah 07-10-05 09:59:18 __________________________________________________ | |
khaidamna ::: Favorites Allahu akbar3x!!! allah kareem.. welcome sister 07-09-09 05:23:39 __________________________________________________ | |
appiahiskurd ::: Favorites ich hab den live gesehn der is soo nett .. respekt wallah der is soo... 07-09-09 04:13:50 __________________________________________________ | |
james3690 ::: Favorites Congrats Sister !! A brother from Canada 07-09-06 21:00:21 __________________________________________________ | |
TRUUTHZ ::: Favorites All Prophets of Allah (some say God) from Adam to Noh to Moses to Jesus to Muhammad (Peace be upon all of them) only preached one religion that surrender to one Allah (Islam). All other dogma/believes are made and named by humans. Near Allah (some say God) true path is Islam. It is parents who make a muslim-born child a christian or jew or hindu or Bud or atheist. wat I have told u is the truth of truths and u will realize it on ur final day Surely 07-08-20 10:54:13 __________________________________________________ | |
TRUUTHZ ::: Favorites This is one of the greatest truths that all prophets of God has preached same one path - Islam. All wise truth seekers christians jews hindus Buds and other non-muslims shud try to realize this truth thru their own unbiased research. Follow the path of prophets my beloved before this test is over and then u will repent & request to come back to this world to follow the true path but u will be told. NO! ur test time is over now. 07-08-16 12:15:51 __________________________________________________ | |
TRUUTHZ ::: Favorites This shaykh MashaAllah is a great lion of Islam in Germany. It seems, Malik-UL-Mulk has deployed this his humble servant to rescue all wise Germans out of darkness toward light of Islam. I predict, up to 2015 Muslims will be in Majority in Germany and may too in England. Every wise truth seeker will eventually come to the path preached by all prophets of Allah (some say God) - Islam 07-08-16 12:15:33 __________________________________________________ | |
IslamWay114 ::: Favorites Al Hamdu Li Allah, Masha2 Allah, Baraka Allah fi Al Chaykh...Alllahouma onsorr al ISLAM WALL MUSLIMIN 07-06-16 23:43:40 __________________________________________________ | |
Shawwal7 ::: Favorites Allah O Akbar 07-05-11 19:49:56 __________________________________________________ |