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Duration: 00:57 minutes Upload Time: 2008-02-07 05:56:38 User: bxmitchy |
http://www.myspace.com/bxmitch |
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Friday, February 15, 2008
Natalie Gauci - The Winner's Journey Tour - Boys in Town
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Duration: 03:39 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-06 20:33:53 User: Commencement |
Natalie Gauci performs "Boys in Town" by the Divinyls at Star City, Sydney on January 5th, 2008 (matinee show). |
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chellekat7 2008-01-07 23:51:02 It's clear to see why Natalie loves this song! She sings it with such desperation, it's fantastic. __________________________________________________ | |
c1k1b1o1y1 2008-01-06 22:09:22 First to view and comment again! One of her best performances on Idol. A very nice rendition, although I miss the piano standing! __________________________________________________ |
David Letterman & Bill O'Reilly
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Duration: 04:34 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-17 19:01:25 User: Pressante2 |
http://www.pressante.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=238&Itemid=39 Nella puntata del Late Show dello scorso 27 ottobre 2006, Letterman ospita il giornalista neocon O'Reilly di Fox News, col quale parla di Iraq. Alle domande di Letterman sul perchè di questa guerra nata con false informazioni della CIA, O'Reilly (non) risponde con la solita retorica neocon arrivando persino ad accusare Cindy Sheehan. Letterman conclude a modo suo: alla grande. sottotitoli in italiano |
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BicensuratoTOYO111 2007-12-01 12:42:36 gli americani sono un popolo affetto da "rimozione forzata mentale"; riescono solo a nominare i loro 3000 morti(volontari ,consensienti partiti in iraq per invadere o meglio distruggere ed annientare), in guerra o i loro 3000 morti nel 911, ma dimenticano solo quegli 1,2 MILIONI di civili iracheni(donne vecchi e bambini) morti senza un perche' a casa loro(neanche uno dei fantomatici attentatori del 911 era iracheno! ed i 6000 soldati suicidatisi di ritorno a casa? __________________________________________________ | |
BicensuratoTOYO111 2007-12-01 12:34:12 "ironia della sorte",ieri sera hanno dato su rete4 il film "Malcom-X" con Danzel Washington (lo stesso di:"The Manchiurian Candidate"), e si parlava proprio dei termini:NEGRO e NERO! la parola "nero" sta' in ogni frase o vicino a parole come attributo di negativita'! quindi ,meglio Negro ch nero! negro e' dispregiativo solo nel paese del "wash brain",infatti non lo si usa piu',per lasciare il posto a qualcosa di peggio come black! black list,.... __________________________________________________ | |
moroscuro25 2007-11-30 12:30:41 ma mi spieghi xfavore, come mai Lei usa il termine "negro" come un sinonimo a "schiavo"? cuando si parla dei stati uniti si deve ricordare a dividere le cose xche non di colore non abbiamo schelto di essere qua! A. Lincoln, lasciamo stare, sicuramente Lei non ha capito il motivo a "liberare" i schiavi, quelli combatavono davanti la guerra civile! poi, l'ho saputo gia del NWO e NAU, e le cose di genere, ma k c'entra "negri" e questa cosa? __________________________________________________ | |
BicensuratoTOYO111 2007-11-30 05:14:39 --->> leggi antirazziali,hanno fatto entrambi la stessa fine(A.Lincom ed J.F.Kennedy e B.Kennedy che sarebbe stato eletto),sono stati gli unici ad essere stati assassinati! questo non ti basta per capire che c'e'una cospirazione antica e globale e tutto c entra con tutto?!Cerca: -CIA OPERAZIONI SEGRETE - BUSH NAZI CONNECTION-NWO-ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA- CHEMTRAILS-SCIENCE SOPPRESSED-cold fusion in bibble-SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE o DISNEY-LOGO SATANIC-MARKoftheBEAST-VERICHIP--David ICKE __________________________________________________ | |
BicensuratoTOYO111 2007-11-30 05:08:05 dispregiativo non e'il termine ma l attributo che gli si da'!non credere che rimuovendo una parola dal vocabolario cambi molto;anzi lo fanno per dare quel senso di falsa democrazia e liberta'!nei piani dei nascenti stati uniti d america c'e' sempre stato il chiaro proposito d utilizzare il pianeta come fosse il "giardino di casa"; da una parte prelevi manodopera,da un altra risorse,ecc. pensa solo che gli unici due pres.USA che si sono permessi di portare avanti leggi antirazzili-->> __________________________________________________ |
Beluga Whales at Mystic Aquarium
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Duration: 03:15 minutes Upload Time: 2007-10-22 16:16:35 User: futureshamutrainer |
Pictures of the 3 beluga whales at Mystic Aquarium. Inuk, Naku and Kela. There are pictures of the Contact programs that I got to do as well. As a Mystic Aquarium volunteer, in the winter I get to do the programs for free. |
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futureshamutrainer 2008-02-14 18:20:05 Oh, ok! :) __________________________________________________ | |
eclipsedrose 2008-02-13 07:46:00 lol sorry. Its Kate from mystic aquarium. I'm actually working sat so i'll see ya then. __________________________________________________ | |
futureshamutrainer 2008-02-12 17:59:07 Thanks! but how do you know I'm a girl? :) __________________________________________________ | |
eclipsedrose 2008-02-11 20:46:10 hey girl! great video. __________________________________________________ | |
feelass123 2008-02-10 07:10:26 these whales rule love them! __________________________________________________ |
abba I do I do I do I do I do - ring parade
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Duration: 03:44 minutes Upload Time: 2008-02-07 10:40:41 User: thepiperchile |
Sorry for the black and white but I wanted to share anyway, from Chile |
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ywba 2008-02-07 22:08:43 Thank you SO MUCH for putting this back up! This is going to be in my favourites. __________________________________________________ | |
thepiperchile 2008-02-07 19:43:17 thank you for your comment. most of the stuff in france is in black /white. :( __________________________________________________ | |
ji61m 2008-02-07 19:18:02 Thank you Daniel! Not a thing wrong with the Black and white video as far as I'm concearned. Of course, I love the B/W videos very much as you can see by my channel! __________________________________________________ | |
angel585 2008-02-07 17:50:42 love the close-ups, gorgeous! __________________________________________________ |
Tokio Hotel Interview On MOD
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Duration: 07:09 minutes Upload Time: 2008-02-11 23:28:16 User: HannahhxoHoneyy |
Super Super Super Bad Quality ! |
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LNB83 2008-02-15 10:04:25 Silly Tom! "darf ich dir meine Plaume zeigen"? LOL! I love his dirty jokes! ;) But where the hell are Georg and Gustav??? Last thing: I hate when people are asking to compare the fans: they don't love them more or less in Canada than we do here in Europe or in any other part of the world! Unendlich Liebe cannot be measured or compared. Nice interview, though! :) __________________________________________________ | |
BeMyBoyEverBill 2008-02-13 15:14:24 NIce! Tom's english is sooo good and he has sexy voice __________________________________________________ | |
THfanforever123 2008-02-13 09:07:26 isnt it cute when tom starts teaching sumthign in german..bill knows xactly wat hes gonna say. twin mind power.lol n i ahve to add this...bill = hot!!!! <333333333333333333333333 __________________________________________________ | |
breezyy70 2008-02-13 01:31:39 i love this tanks for putin it up!!! i missed this =[ __________________________________________________ | |
punkcathy92 2008-02-12 19:18:23 thank you for posting this!!!!!!! i'm from new york city and i really wanted to see this interview ^_^ __________________________________________________ |
RoDi PoWeR rAnGeR
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Duration: 00:20 minutes Upload Time: 2007-06-04 10:24:47 User: eRjOg |
Impresionante film en el que se recoje la powertransformacion |
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Bob Marley - Redemption Song
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Duration: 04:34 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-24 05:58:11 User: QueenRocker89 |
A little tribute to a great man. The Legend. Bob Marley. |
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EMEXICAN6 2008-02-11 16:47:52 I don't know __________________________________________________ | |
RayburnPower 2008-02-10 11:12:16 Who Exactly ??? __________________________________________________ | |
EMEXICAN6 2008-02-09 18:23:24 bob marley is fucking gnarly! __________________________________________________ | |
EMEXICAN6 2008-02-09 18:22:58 he got shot by some faggot __________________________________________________ | |
RayburnPower 2008-01-22 06:09:50 What happened to Bob? __________________________________________________ |
[NEW] Too Short Dissin Snoop Dogg!!!! "I Wanna Pimp You Hoe"
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Duration: 03:56 minutes Upload Time: 2008-02-10 13:43:52 User: macdapimp20 |
too short wanna pimp you hoe snoop dogg diss dissin papoose uncle murder jay-z fat joe cent eminem rule akon t-pai
Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe Too Short-I Wanna Pimp You Hoe |
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LethalDozePL 2008-02-14 11:56:26 this cant be new, Too Short is on Snoop's new album __________________________________________________ | |
ikkakubankai47 2008-02-14 02:18:25 Damn wut happen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! __________________________________________________ | |
hcano401 2008-02-12 00:28:45 wow!! can someone tell me what happen? __________________________________________________ | |
kiddlava 2008-02-10 20:49:24 Why the fuck.... Neva mind... Good lookin out fam __________________________________________________ | |
StayGDUp108 2008-02-10 14:57:14 nice vid lol __________________________________________________ |
Best Soccer Penalty Shot ever. Freakin Funny...
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Duration: 00:4 minutes Upload Time: 2006-12-22 17:49:14 User: mcw585 |
Kid gets nailed in the face by fall after it hits the post... |
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dennistubbs 2008-02-10 23:42:48 ha!ha! __________________________________________________ | |
biketilyoudrop 2008-01-24 19:46:11 what a save totaly comited .....XD not __________________________________________________ | |
hemattar 2008-01-19 18:11:08 hahahahahaha tht was soooo FUNNY xD __________________________________________________ | |
footy454 2008-01-01 02:13:02 Lol goal keeper u rule. __________________________________________________ | |
sperohero 2007-12-27 22:12:27 ROFL __________________________________________________ |