Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Seeds - Pushin' Too Hard

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-24 20:22:38
User: vogelpoop
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circa 1966 low image quality's gassy so don't whine


Skysport22 ::: Favorites
The people on the couch are hilarious. The dancing girl is a gem. And The Seeds are priceless. Pure gassy.
07-10-02 13:23:58
Adfumbler ::: Favorites
Okay, so the image quality might not be perfect, but this is WAYYYYY better than I was expecting! Thanks for posting this!
07-09-30 20:55:07
orsiorsi186 ::: Favorites
The seeds were the first hardcore doper group.I don't know if the were dopers, but in my high school the dopers all were big Seeds fans. I haven't seen any trace of them for years,but they might have been the first Punk band,also.
07-09-30 05:42:05
KickMeAndCancel ::: Favorites
this is totally gassy!
07-09-28 19:30:16
rulesoflilly ::: Favorites
the pianist is my guitar teacher
07-09-25 00:32:00
soarornor ::: Favorites
Great video. Sky is the last word. It's amazing what bands in the 60's had to suffer through to be on television and get national exposure.
07-09-16 05:55:29
pataphysician66 ::: Favorites
I thind[k this is an episode from a (thankfully)defunct series called "the In-laws"
07-09-12 12:31:26
dragster58 ::: Favorites
Dance to this you wimpy disco dux, hehehehehehehhe!!
07-09-12 11:18:18
boolous1 ::: Favorites
wheres Mr farmer? and see any resemblance to a guy in a band called the stones?
07-09-06 01:07:42
scrambeledeggman ::: Favorites
Dang, you can find anything on YouTube. I love the Seeds!
07-09-03 11:45:38


Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-29 22:14:58
User: DieKyo11
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The real lyrics to the Dir en grey song CLEVER SLEAZOID.


PanzyMistress ::: Favorites
Agreed with miakanobaka5678. Really, it's just a harmless parody. People get so worked up *sigh* And I think this video is hilarious, while I still respect the band. And I'll admit that Kyo's english singing it awesome but hard to understand :D
07-09-29 20:09:36
noiluvmarman ::: Favorites
aww that's sweet
07-09-22 02:01:21
SebastianCova ::: Favorites
Yeah you can't avoid that message right? "One day I will fuck your parents" So poetic. Why don't you stop being such a dick and either go with it or shut up?
07-09-20 22:21:09
noiluvmarman ::: Favorites
it's just not funny at all. music is a form of expression. artist put all of thier emotions into the songs they make. when people put videos like this up. it contradicts the message the artist is trying to relay, trying to make you understand. and this whole arguing over two little sentences is pointless. i don't care what you people think about what i think. i'm done, you reply to any more of these. you're wasting your time.
07-09-20 18:30:44
HIMrazorbladeromance ::: Favorites
those arnt even the real lyrics
07-09-20 18:14:44
noiluvmarman ::: Favorites
goodbye child
07-09-20 17:46:50
Nadinehine ::: Favorites
Hahahaaha :D This is funny!!
07-09-20 09:00:54
DieKyo11 ::: Favorites
Yeah. That's what I did. I destroyed this song. Because every Dir en grey fan is going to watch this, right? And I've destroyed it, right? This harmless little humorous video has destroyed it? If something like this can "destroy" a song for you, then you must not have liked it very much to begin with.
07-09-19 23:56:11
SebastianCova ::: Favorites
You're the childish fuck that can't handle some nice comedy.
07-09-19 23:55:37
noiluvmarman ::: Favorites
i think you need to get a sense of humor that's past a five year olds. shut up duck rake up your brain oh god plese stop, it's so fucking funny and don't even bother replying to this i'm done witht this childish game
07-09-19 15:07:33

Scary Movie 3 Fart Scene

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-17 20:46:13
User: Arclite24
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The scene in Scary Movie 3 with the chair making funny noises


21xxx21 ::: Favorites
xD!!!!!lololl the chair lololol
07-08-21 12:20:33
Jcenalover3 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 00:18:09
Inuyashabuddha ::: Favorites
ya eery time that happens to me it was the chair too.fucking
07-07-27 01:20:27
JoeKanile ::: Favorites
07-07-25 15:04:25
aweetman ::: Favorites
07-07-22 15:21:01
D00pliss ::: Favorites
Man I want Queen Latifah to fart like that in my face and say that wasn't the chair then we do it for 12 hr. straight!!!!!!
07-07-02 19:06:10
D00pliss ::: Favorites
oh man I wanna do Queen Latifah so bad now
07-07-01 22:43:42
gracefulassassin ::: Favorites
LMFAO! I love that scene. XD
07-07-01 18:15:04
D00pliss ::: Favorites
I want Queen Latifah to do that in my face and say that wasn't the chair
07-06-29 21:19:14
D00pliss ::: Favorites
man....I wish I was Queen Latifah's chair so bad!!!!!
07-06-29 20:12:07

Best of Tecktonik from Metropolis by MRTB

Duration: 05:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 15:31:22
User: MRTB78
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Les meilleurs images de Tecktonik Killers issues des vidéos YouTubes ! D'autres videos sur le liens de la vidéos


Troputride ::: Favorites
Super vous me bluffez, moi je donne plutôt dans le délire mais il parait que mon Maestro n'est pas trop mal.
07-10-03 09:25:14
theriders83 ::: Favorites
elle dechire cette video il se gave moi je viens juste de commence sa fait que 3 jours mé c' tro stylé la techtonik
07-10-03 06:15:24
theriders83 ::: Favorites
c'est quoi la zik merci
07-10-03 02:01:27
dsasterpiece ::: Favorites
so gay, just sucks
07-10-02 14:45:09
XxXzOuZoUxXx ::: Favorites
trooop bonne la vidéo ke dé expérimenté dessu impec!! Vive la TcK!!!
07-10-02 13:40:42
lalouloutte82 ::: Favorites
jtrouve ste vidéo géniale é srx ceux ki critique c pa malin parceke ceux ki danse la tecktonik dérange é juge personne alor jugé pas é dérangé pa nn plu!! biz a ceux ki on fé ste vidéo el déchire si vous pouvié dire les titres des zic se seré cool!!bis
07-10-02 13:04:40
DalrogKillians ::: Favorites
Perso j'aime pas cette danse (mais chacun ses gouts après tout, onc je respecte le fais que certains aiment ça) Par contre les gens que je trouves vraiment cons c'est les Américains qui reprennent ça pour faire passer les Français pour des gays -_-".
07-10-02 11:55:42
4ube ::: Favorites
j'dois avouer que j'en vois ni l'interet ni la difficulté (ormis un bon sens du rythme, et encore, on peut pas dire que trouver un rythme a la techno soit très difficile)
07-10-02 07:16:33
titetoildunor ::: Favorites
je trouve sa super ! je felicite les gens ki savent danser sa ! sé genial ! je dis BRAVO !
07-10-02 02:19:34
kisscool87 ::: Favorites
sa vo pa tecktonico véritable tecktonik loser
07-10-01 16:11:32

Beavis and Butthead

Duration: 06:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-04 12:19:49
User: smithci
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No Laughing, a personal fave


HyperGCX ::: Favorites
I was real glad to hear that because this is sex education weight, thats right sex ad week!. We're going to be talking about the PENIS!!! We'll be talking about the VAGINA!!! Do you think thats funny Butthead!? Do you find it amusing that we'll be talking about the TESTICLES!!!? Yes we'rl gonna be talking about VANEREAL DISEASE!!! SEXUAL INTERCOURSE!!! And, And we will definatly be spending alot of time talking about MASTURBATION!!! Row call Butkiss, Gaylord, Hymen
07-09-30 11:22:53
SimuLord ::: Favorites
Just a thought, but Viacom can pretty much suck a fat one, eh?
07-09-29 20:16:02
MrsZezima ::: Favorites
stop fuckin quoting everything.
07-09-15 14:50:27
Rand200 ::: Favorites
no u
07-09-18 13:43:48
OniGundamSeed ::: Favorites
;)and the was cool^-^
07-09-15 00:06:42
cashmoney934 ::: Favorites
Then he said vagina!
07-09-07 21:39:27
mrjason81 ::: Favorites
then he said 'masturbation' !
07-09-07 21:29:38
doom968 ::: Favorites
:) he said penis =)
07-09-07 19:27:39

Deniz Gezmis Belgeseli - Oradaydim Bolum 3

Duration: 08:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-13 07:59:52
User: karakartal06
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Deniz Gezmis ve arkadaslarinin belgeseli. Sucsuz genclerin haksiz yere idamlari.


shemasima ::: Favorites
Düşlerin parlayıp söndüğü yerde, Buluşmak seninle bir akşam üstü, Umarsız şarkılar dudağımda bir yarım ezgi, Sığınmak şarkılara sığınmak bir akşam üstü, Gözlerin bir çığlık bir yaralı haykırış, Gözlerin bu gece çok uzaktan geçen bir gemi.
07-10-02 06:21:18
altern06 ::: Favorites
deniz gezmiş bu ülkenin yetiştirdiği en büyük vatansever en büyük devrimcidir.
07-10-02 05:43:36
gfb48 ::: Favorites
Bağımsız türkiye İçin Mustafa Kemal Yürüüyüşü...Ellerdeki Türk Bayrakları...Deniz gezmiş in hala marjinal solcu olduğunu kemalist olmadığını savunanların gozunden kaciyor sanırım bu goruntuler...Ve Deniz Gezmiş'in babasına bıraktığı mektupta kendisini kemalsit yetişdirdiği için ona teşekkür etmesi...Verdiği demeçlerde Kemalist gençliğin görevlerinden bahsetmesi...İNADINA ULUSAL SOl! DENİZLER YAŞIYOR...KEMALİST GENÇLİK SAVAŞIYOR!
07-09-30 04:37:04
GERILLA6234 ::: Favorites
kemalizm faşizmdir
07-09-29 06:47:38
kirpiparlak ::: Favorites
ayip degilmi ya begenmiyorsan dusuncesini begenmessiniz neden olmus birine kufur ediyorsunuz fikrini yaptiklarini begenmiyorsaniz susmak duser lutfen ya birbirimize kufur etmeyelim
07-09-26 18:06:03
devrimci5989 ::: Favorites
yaşasın marksizm ve leninizmin yüce ideolojisi!!!!!!!!!denizin son sözü!!!!!!!!!
07-09-24 19:01:04
bntmy ::: Favorites
07-09-22 23:43:58
vesdiablo ::: Favorites
deniz gezmişin sikinin kılı olamazsınız ibne faşistler taşağına kurban olun onun
07-09-22 09:03:15
chezgi ::: Favorites
tüm faşistlerin canı cehenneme!! utanmadan ölü birinin arkasından küfür ediyorsunuz..sonrada dinden imandan bahsedersiniz..pehhh
07-09-17 04:43:09
pezowenk ::: Favorites
fasist turkiye cumhuriyeti abd kopegi, yasasin kurt halki ve dunya halklari mucadalesi, yasasin thkc yasasin tkp ml ,. kopekler gununuzu geliyor, geriye geliyoruz
07-09-15 14:55:10

Funny Impersanations

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-04 10:58:36
User: aidan139
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Minter Watch and Like funniest Arnold Schwarzenegger impersanation ever =)


jrcfootball71 ::: Favorites
imagine the preview guy having sex..."coming soon"
07-08-25 00:53:16
neverhandsdown ::: Favorites
Pablo Francisco is HILARIOUS. ♥
07-08-17 05:49:19
BabyFox406 ::: Favorites
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FUNNY ^o^
07-08-04 19:53:11
lutonlad07 ::: Favorites
that guy is soooo funny
07-06-30 09:11:39
NintendoWiiAddict ::: Favorites
soooooooo funnny
07-06-26 17:38:17
dahuqster ::: Favorites
thats amazing and funny
07-06-13 16:55:08
Ronchy38 ::: Favorites
Good Immitashins
07-05-22 19:13:01
snuffle1 ::: Favorites
Its Pablo Francisco.
07-05-22 04:09:27
dnb559trance ::: Favorites
hey who is this comic!?!? & that was hella funny!!
07-05-09 02:57:29
Bigwi1991 ::: Favorites
wish i could make that voice !
07-03-11 22:33:04

Law of Attraction: How Yoga Explains "The Secret "

Duration: 05:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 18:10:36
User: DattatreyaSivaBaba
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CBS Interview on The Secret In support of Dr. Michael Beckwith CBS interview Question: Can you move objects toward you? Dattatreya explains how thought and object are one.


della2502 ::: Favorites
Very interesting.. Yoga and Law of Attraction :D I like it GBU, Della richsources. com success. richsources. com
07-05-30 06:51:10
lightworksunlimited ::: Favorites
Are we all manifesting in vain?
07-05-19 11:54:25
sparklor80 ::: Favorites
Hey, Love the video! Have a great day Love Lisax TheOfficialLawOfAttraction(.com)
07-05-11 05:44:57
rhemares ::: Favorites
The law of attraction rocks. I am 100% convinced that the law works for me and it will work for any one who diligently practice it this universal law is so powerful that once you master it, nature just takes it course.There is nothing hocus pocus about it. lawofattractioncd(dot)com/rights
07-05-10 05:54:38
artvisionary ::: Favorites
Physics Web has a very interesting article, which seems to say "reality does not exist when we are not observing it (Nature 446 871)" at physicsweb (dot) org /articles/news/11/4/14 (written April 20).
07-05-08 17:42:27
mtnpoet ::: Favorites
Thank you so very much for ALL of your videos. What a great gift to the world.
07-05-05 15:14:17
boyerjo ::: Favorites
oh sorry i fell asleep ... i must have missed the whole video. you arnt making any sense... oh .... why didnt you just say astralprojection in yoga..
07-04-26 04:03:58
usedforbattle ::: Favorites
Wow this guy looks like obi-wan kenobi ^_^ !!!
07-04-21 17:29:02
dannykth2 ::: Favorites
This is interesting. Yoga and Law Of Attraction. Recently, I read a Free Attraction Accelerator Report by Bob Proctor attractionlawprinciple dotcom/rights/attractionaccelerator.pdf
07-04-18 11:43:17
Bicus773 ::: Favorites
thank you, are of great help
07-04-12 06:00:20


Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-21 23:01:31
User: oribubbles
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CelaLeilaniTonga19 ::: Favorites
Its crank dat spider man.
07-10-03 00:12:31
churbro ::: Favorites
tahaha funni. is dat song soulja boyy? what song is it?
07-10-02 04:09:32
micahusa ::: Favorites
LMAO!! This video is so funny, with the guy falling asleep and all. Looks like one of my family members!
07-09-23 22:18:53
chubbluver ::: Favorites
damn.. hot!
07-09-20 10:01:45
samoanprincess08 ::: Favorites
hahahahahahaha.. that was hella samoan style
07-09-16 16:59:05
xChickenHeadx ::: Favorites
This was hiliars incredeble FUNNY !
07-09-15 15:51:20
mzkiloprincess ::: Favorites
dis is so funny
07-09-14 19:00:30
NaomasProduction ::: Favorites
yes, thats right! i made this video :D
07-09-05 22:42:52
hpalova4life ::: Favorites
lol that was interesting samoan4life u know
07-08-30 13:40:36
ladyroc ::: Favorites
07-08-26 19:09:57

Solid Snake in "Super Smash Bros Brawl" for Wii

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-10 23:49:08
User: jmariamellinas
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Solid Snake from MGS will make an appareance in the new Smash Bros, for Wii.


Deeznutz5150 ::: Favorites
yeah that made sense
07-10-02 20:53:00
DanishCartoonist ::: Favorites
Ah, relax, bible-basher
07-10-02 11:15:53
venom5000 ::: Favorites
That made me laugh. Snake owns. I like how in his level Rex and Ray and some other MG attack you.
07-10-02 07:39:45
realar ::: Favorites
Oh my frickin God! Did anyone see the 5 updates for Snake today? Uber awesome!!! I just can't believe he'd want to eat Yoshi.
07-10-02 03:22:44
Deeznutz5150 ::: Favorites
could have done without the sacrilege comment you spat about God, because I was agreeing with you till I read that.
07-09-29 00:56:23
XxAceCombatxX ::: Favorites
Show time!!
07-09-28 11:14:13
emptyeiganjo ::: Favorites
Yeah who wants a system that actually uses new technology?
07-09-26 03:13:23
nmcooper26 ::: Favorites
I would'nt be suprised if I seen Spiderman in it.
07-09-25 12:36:01
nmcooper26 ::: Favorites
SpeedSword is right, Kojima asked Nintendo to include Solid Snake and why not? Nintendo is a Power House in Japan regardless of Sony and meh..crosofts Hardcore gaming presence. To be apart of Nintendo's game projects is like asking to sit by the right hand side of God and smoking a joint with him. I hope I made myself clear cuz I think im going to hell for that. SSBB, can't wait!!!
07-09-25 12:32:11
Chaos157 ::: Favorites
07-09-23 10:22:25

Christmas Songs Remix

Duration: 01:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 14:07:19
User: LineSixDude
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There is no backing track so can't give it to you guys... (and it isn't CD quality but you have to do it with this) P.s. its afunny waste of time :)


P4KC1 ::: Favorites
Well Cool, nice one, bit of Brian May vs Quo style
07-09-28 15:40:14
guitarplaya4933 ::: Favorites
nice fender
07-09-01 17:33:52
pOeTgIrL94 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 17:18:24
bardc001 ::: Favorites
lol i like it
07-08-18 05:50:24
wwwdwhite ::: Favorites
THis is unique.
07-08-11 08:11:04
LineSixDude ::: Favorites
hehe you've gotta point dude :D
07-08-11 04:29:06
valentineblood15 ::: Favorites
nice vid.. but why christmas that is sooo far away??
07-08-10 20:18:59
yourlittleslave ::: Favorites
Is this air guitar or are you really playing LOL!
07-08-10 14:35:23

Adventure Quest Calladus(new version)

Duration: 04:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 09:49:01
User: lyon1535
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The New version of Calladus. Enjoy!! P.S i also included my new pet Twig!!!:)


lyon1535 ::: Favorites
zorbak's hideout twilly vs. zorbak
07-09-25 19:24:48
TheCouchpatato ::: Favorites
how do you get to him
07-09-25 19:18:41
xxdasherbowxx ::: Favorites
good job. And it's good the song is clean.
07-09-04 19:58:58
lyon1535 ::: Favorites
Fort Minor remeber the name
07-08-01 15:10:16
omfgkevin ::: Favorites
what song is this
07-08-01 14:33:56
lyon1535 ::: Favorites
naa,just stoned
07-06-24 11:09:22
lyon1535 ::: Favorites
look above. Also it is guardian only
07-06-11 18:50:06
battleongardienship ::: Favorites
hello how to buy this pest
07-06-11 17:39:24
deathlord280 ::: Favorites
07-06-06 19:53:31
itsmeEMMAN ::: Favorites
that is like my dog but he is like a dogbut
07-06-02 11:44:37

5,980円のギター/ $51.15 Guitar

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-08 13:06:48
User: ouzim
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PLAYTECH ( プレイテック ) /PT-ST250SB サウンドハウスにて購入^PT15SB^^


tintin23jp ::: Favorites
こんなに安いギターでも うまい俺が弾くとこんなもんなんだぜ!
07-09-28 07:47:58
puresoulseek ::: Favorites
¥6000の音は流石だわw ギタリストの腕はよくわからないですw
07-09-27 12:21:58
ernie0521 ::: Favorites
07-09-23 11:50:04
georgiehenley ::: Favorites
07-09-23 11:11:39
taku0311 ::: Favorites
ほんとかっこいいです。 アンプとエフェクター何か教えてもらっていいですか??
07-09-16 19:12:43
socomaddict41 ::: Favorites
wow that sounds/plays good for a $51.15 Very good deal :)
07-09-14 00:14:15
gnb701 ::: Favorites
07-09-13 05:07:45
NoboruOkazaki ::: Favorites
07-09-09 08:26:43
rowazo26 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 08:44:11
ouzim ::: Favorites
みなさんコメントありがとう! Thank you for all comment !
07-08-31 08:40:40