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Duration: 04:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-06 02:51:40 User: vanefreja :::: Favorites |
On a nice August evening, while listening to mediaval music, i met with a friend of mine... She calls herself Bjovulf and this is what she says: "when one creates pictures, memories and moods connected to them are being immortalized. Memories holds a great part of me and the way i see the world. i often recall things in the past - what have happend, being said and so on. These pictures helps me to reach the layers that are easily forgotten... my greatest source of inspiration is that of our history and the nature outside. To feel the breath of forgotten times is like a warm hand on the shoulder; being little and vunerable among forces of nature; understanding from ancient trees and mountains. Here the stories tells themselves and pictures are created... The mood in ourselves as well as around us is vital for the pictures in my eyes; we have to feel it in order for our thoughts to just fly away. I will find my way through the layers! With Nordic roots, while enjoying nature i will show you my world in pictures.. Yours sincerly Kristina Tandrup Pedersen" http://www.njordfoto.dk/ to see the pictures press "Billeder" The majority of the landscapes pictured are danish. But there are several from Sweden and Norway:) As i remember one can purchase some of them....ask her yourself:) |
Comments | |
njordfoto ::: Favorites Hvor er den blevet god Jette! tusind tak skal du have, det er godt at se sine billeder sammen med den smukke sang :) mange hilsner Kristina Tandrup Pedersen... 07-07-06 05:42:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
wolf4555 ::: Favorites my friend you did a great job onthis video and the pictures are just breath takingly beautiful!!!! Great job!!!!!!! wolf4555 07-07-06 21:51:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hordalending ::: Favorites Dette er meget bra. En meget god video. Men er alle modellene danske? 07-07-07 07:06:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanefreja ::: Favorites Du mener peronerne fotograferet? i så fald ja...men én er færing :) De fleste landskabs billeder er fra Danmark... men der er også nogle fra Norge og Sverige:) 07-07-07 15:44:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
elen7ari ::: Favorites This is absolutely beautiful. I am jealous of your talent. ^__^ 07-07-10 15:25:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
bmbberntsen ::: Favorites beutiful vid an song! gratings from norway=) 07-07-16 09:37:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
MaegwinsZuchtsau ::: Favorites These pictures are unbelievably BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't even descide which one is my favourite :> 07-07-17 03:11:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanefreja ::: Favorites Thats why i made i video of them......i LOVE them...unfortunately i'm not the artist....Njordfoto is:) They bring the myths foreward. 07-07-17 03:21:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
gaia53 ::: Favorites This is so beautiful..thank you! The pictures and the music ... its the perfect journey! I'm a pagan from the Netherlands and never been to Norway yet, but when I saw this ... I want to go there once :-) 07-07-31 18:20:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
njordfoto ::: Favorites hej gaia53, allmost all these pictures are from Denmark, only e few are from Norway, and a bit from Sweden.. So maybe you should consider go to Denmark instead ;) Hilsner Kristina 07-08-01 03:11:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
bootleggersouth ::: Favorites beautiful images 07-08-10 17:42:39 _____________________________________________________ |
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Njordfoto - a Northern Journey
Final Fantasy 9 Kuja's Theme on piano
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Duration: 03:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-02 16:26:18 User: danielilov :::: Favorites |
FFIX Kuja Theme... view my videos for more final fantasy music |
Comments | |
danielilov ::: Favorites if u search on google "final fantasy 9 sheet music" u should get a list of like every song playable on piano for final fantasy 9 07-08-08 21:55:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
PuurfectStevie ::: Favorites hmm can i have sheet music please, btw ummm its really gud playing compared to me hehehe so i think ur really gud, i want to learn though 07-07-23 05:35:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
CrystalTears234 ::: Favorites not bad at all keep at it then post an improved one when you get there, you definatley have the ability 07-07-21 22:40:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
phantomb8 ::: Favorites good try i think you can improve, keep going 07-07-10 12:50:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
wardishy ::: Favorites Unless you think you can do better, and can prove it, shut up about his playing ability. I'm not expert but that, to me, looks like a bitch of a tune to play. Give the guy a break. 07-06-06 16:08:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Seymour2012 ::: Favorites not really 'perfect' but good... I have that song on my iPod ( dont ask ) its not to different. There is one spot where the note should be different. 07-04-14 13:52:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
amundb ::: Favorites Keep posting, I say. If people want perfect performances, they go to concerts or buy CDs, they don't listen to our stuff. 07-03-04 17:33:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
wogandmush ::: Favorites lol, the whole thing is a mistake! Just kidding. But you should practice more before you exhibit your skills. Don't post something when you can do better. 07-03-04 15:50:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
danielilov ::: Favorites lol i usually play it a lot better just takes too many tries to get a good one on video lol 07-02-21 22:13:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
amundb ::: Favorites I spotted a little mistake. Note number 12 with your left hand should be Bb instead of Ab. You seem to be consistent about it, so I thought I'd mention it. Almost without exception, the lower note in the right hand mirrors the higher one. Hope this helps. And keep at it, from here it will sound better and better! 07-02-12 20:43:39 _____________________________________________________ |
Fatma Five - Allah For En (All For One)
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Duration: 03:07 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-03 11:48:23 User: Saxolade :::: Favorites |
Satiric remake from 2004 of "Rocazino featuring Frank Arnesen - En For Alle (Alle for En)". The danish anthem for the European Football Championship 1988 in Germany. See the original video including Flemming Povlsen, Morten Olsen, Jesper Olsen, Michael Laudrup, Preben Elkjær, Peter Schmeichel, Klaus Berggreen, Ole Qvist, Sepp Piontek (Josef Piontek). The male singer is nothing less than Frank Arnesen head talent scout in Chelsea FC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb20I8dQEGQ&mode=related&search= |
Comments | |
hptschrfhr ::: Favorites kan du ikke stave det danske sprog er er svær en 07-08-29 08:53:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
hptschrfhr ::: Favorites jeg tror på den flygtninge politik , der er i et ladt gevær 07-08-24 16:38:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
SeverinDK ::: Favorites They didnt do anything.. Only a few danes got hurt.. The most fun part is that they said that they would slay all danes.. But insted they burned 7 of their own people alive. Well done! 07-08-21 09:02:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
hsloth666 ::: Favorites hehe klasse... 07-08-18 15:58:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
reklamomand ::: Favorites Det geniale ved denne video er at den hverken, i mine øjne, er højreorienteret eller venstreorienteret. Den er ikke politisk, selvom den har at gøre med et politisk emne. Den er bare typisk dansk humor, som prøver at bearbejde den sindsyge verdenssituation PT. Godt gået! 07-08-11 14:22:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
lilluminterspinas ::: Favorites Dét der.....det holder 100!! 07-08-09 11:46:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Roea2635 ::: Favorites what the fuck? :S 07-08-03 15:44:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
hptschrfhr ::: Favorites "religion er irrationelt" citat søren kierkegaard 07-07-28 19:45:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Saxolade ::: Favorites Så rolig nu, - og så er der nogle der laver pis med de blegfede. Så går den nogenlunde lige op. Get over it! 07-07-28 11:19:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maliklaraba ::: Favorites at man keder sig så meget burde være ulovligt fucking katoffler hvad leger i ? i ved ikke hvad ordet sjov betyder i syntes det der er sjovt men det er det ikke tcærtimod at nolge blegfisse leger muslimer er bare totalt skævt har i tabt sutten ? 07-07-22 14:19:30 _____________________________________________________ |
:: Douglas Adams : Puddle's Comfort (the origin of god) ::
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Duration: 04:23 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-17 17:29:01 User: tangospring :::: Favorites |
Douglas Adams on the origins of god and on comfort of being a puddle. Douglas Adams' speech at Digital Biota 2 Cambridge U.K., September 1998 |
Comments | |
ggolbez ::: Favorites All Mr. Adams is doing here is discussing what he believes to be early religion and its foundings. Simple as that, why does everyone get in an uproar once a someone presumably nay says a supposed supernatural being? Doesn't make sense to me. 07-08-27 10:47:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
badassartist007 ::: Favorites Can you give proof that Zeus and the Greek Pantheon isn't the true explaination for the ways of the universe? It's not less likely that the whole Genesis story. Why don't you believe that instead of the ASSUMPTION that there is only one true "God" (a.k.a. monotheism, a.k.a. religion) Sounds to me like your view is far more limited. 07-08-11 14:50:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
gregtestagent ::: Favorites what if I don't believe it was made for me? what if I just believe that something else made it? can you then give me proof that there is no God, and that God is indeed an invention of man's assumptions? it's a rather limited view of things in my opinion because it does not consider every variable. 07-08-09 16:42:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
wulf8121 ::: Favorites same 07-07-31 17:40:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
fatmeteor ::: Favorites nice 07-07-18 00:24:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
seightan28 ::: Favorites Belief in God is just another form of Slavery! 07-07-17 20:50:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
grendelee ::: Favorites i think that there would be less problems when people realize that god represents something you believe in. and thats just as good. even better, in fact. 07-07-13 06:42:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Dariusdagr8 ::: Favorites He was a truly great man. His combination of wit and intelligence is what made him truly unique. I say preserve his genes for posterity!! 07-07-07 14:13:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
ArchMageZeratuL ::: Favorites 1. What's North of the North Pole? Alternatively, the same as your God's origin 2. Abiogenesis, followed by evolution and macroevolution 3. Computational Theory of Mind 4. Natural selection 07-06-29 00:00:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
cufbertalabyer ::: Favorites anwswer to questions 1-4 the flying spagetti monster REmen. if you don't have faith in his noodleness you cannot.... 07-06-27 14:19:26 _____________________________________________________ |
Devil May Cry 3 - Tenth Man Down
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Duration: 06:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-12 18:49:51 User: Oblivion600 :::: Favorites |
Another Nightwish AMV of mine. Not my best work, but its still AWESOME. please rate and COMMENT! |
Comments | |
LanyaD ::: Favorites awsome darlin i love the song 07-05-12 19:11:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Oblivion600 ::: Favorites hehe, thank a lot, dear :) 07-05-12 19:52:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
Otaku2008 ::: Favorites I'm starting to lose my touch on being able to comment. Start giving me a few days notice before you upload!!! X3 Otherwise, quite nice as usual. =3 07-05-14 04:15:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Oblivion600 ::: Favorites lol, ok flea bag. 07-05-14 15:51:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
Otaku2008 ::: Favorites I do not have fleas! 07-05-14 16:53:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
ridebmx42024 ::: Favorites that was pretty good they should make a dmc movie that would be bad ass 07-06-05 14:51:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Oblivion600 ::: Favorites there was an anime, but i think it was stopped before it reached america 07-07-04 12:39:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
MaxAndEmilytate ::: Favorites Correction: DMC anime is still on-going, has already been licensed. Reuben Langdon (DMC3 VA for Dante) wants us fans to petition for him to get the voice of Dante for the English dub. 07-07-13 09:37:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
Oblivion600 ::: Favorites really?! AWESOME! 07-07-13 10:02:27 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 09:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-08 07:16:47 User: HELLENICBLOOD :::: Favorites |
This video is based on scientific researches on the Greek DNA which prove the European ancestry and the racial continuity of the Hellenes. |
Comments | |
kikidoll1 ::: Favorites «We never stayed at the same place and easily became close with local populations, preserving our language and our culture. Thus, it is natural there is not Turkish gene in pure form,» said professor of Medical University of Ankara Khakan Shataroghlu. 07-08-29 11:43:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
kikidoll1 ::: Favorites This statement was not a surprise for Turkish scholars, as most of them have a similar point of view, reported the Yerkir newspaper. Professor of Faculty of Molecular Biology and Genetics of Istanbul Bogazici University Aslihan Tolun reported that research heald 5-6 years ago along with foreign scholars showed Turks were «multi-elemental». In Tolun's words, «in genetic respect Turks are very much like the Balkan peoples, Caucasians, Armenians and Arabs, however they have peculiarities.» 07-08-29 11:43:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
kikidoll1 ::: Favorites TURKISH SCHOLAR: NO TURKISH GENE IN PURE FORM The gene of Turks, who moved to Anatolia from Central ASIA along with Seljuks, was not widely spread in this region, officer of National Geographic Spencer Wells considers. 07-08-29 11:42:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
solgentas ::: Favorites remember 300 while piri reis making first world map ,people at europe debating whether world is flat or not while piri reis were making north americas ,south americas ,antarcticas maps people didnt know existence of these continents, when christof colomb reached to america he tought that he reached india , very long time later antarctica was discovered 07-08-29 10:43:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
melhtark ::: Favorites look!I am TURK TURKEY army power 4th in the world-Turkey AİR FORCE 2th inte world---Turkey army 20 million(20.000.000) ready soljier 1.000.000. Educated stanby soljier 19 million if war turkey-greece Win turkey %100 win turkey!!CYPRUS OUR!!greece army 150.0000 its funny nonsense WİN TURKEY ((EVER TURK SOLJİER BİRTH) 07-08-29 08:38:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
olmazboylesey ::: Favorites hey greeks...we fucked ur grandmothers since 1071...and we ll fuck too in future..we re ur dadies..bitches 07-08-29 02:49:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
remember300 ::: Favorites Solgentas.have you ever read herodotos? he was e greek historical. he wrote about atlantis.the myth-city? guess what.they found it in mexico.wach some hirtory channel.go to a univercity or read a book.how the hell mexico had same armor as we had 3.000 years ago.how the hell they had same language with us 3.000 ago?how the hell they had gold walls like herodotos said?did he had telepathy or something?propaganda ha?or you mean that you had great navy all these years? 07-08-28 23:33:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
tumemanques ::: Favorites another western european arab obsessed lmao..learn the characteristics of the semetic race and then talk you muslim-obsessed fucker..you can probaply not even see the difference between a central asian and an arab 07-08-26 15:03:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
tourkosfuktis ::: Favorites turks You may argue your point of view but the historic records aswell as the world opinion of Greeks and their civil contributions and achievements are being glorified and recognized as an era of major significance and filled with positive admiration of the events of the Greek civilization. turkish history is glorified in the same manner only in turkey, internationally it is as significant as the discovery of the tooth pic 07-08-25 10:43:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
nixter888 ::: Favorites You better say that again my friend!!!thank you for your good words!!!!sistafista123!!! 07-08-24 09:40:49 _____________________________________________________ |
You're Crashing But You're No Wave sped up
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Duration: 02:47 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-03 15:20:59 User: FallOutBoyFan125 :::: Favorites |
You're Crashing But You're No Wave by Fall Out Boy sped up. Enjoy! (go easy on me, this is one of my first vids) |
Comments | |
Max300frk ::: Favorites LOLZ! 07-08-26 20:35:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
foblover1234 ::: Favorites okay why is there just a pic of pete he isn't the only one in the band you know actually it would be better if you had patrick patrick has more talent in his little toe then pete has in his whole body 07-08-26 16:26:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
JordyJay5000 ::: Favorites its actionally patrick sing when he was 2 years old......LMAO LMAO!!! 07-08-17 18:11:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ixluvxpanicxandxfobx ::: Favorites I love this song, and it sounds so funny sped up, hehe. Good Job. 07-08-05 05:13:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
fobabe ::: Favorites watch the vid patrick stump is a girl and its hillarious. sounds like he is on helium!! 07-07-31 19:48:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
AmericanChibi ::: Favorites can i not hear or does need to be louder??????? 07-07-30 18:20:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
Nikster4ever ::: Favorites now patrick souns cute to xD but little bit weird to :S 07-07-27 07:30:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxEMoBoYsRoCkxxx ::: Favorites lol!!!!!!!! 07-07-26 19:52:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Fall0utBoyLover ::: Favorites Awesome!!! It's funny when he says "Isn't it tradgic?" Or however you spell tradgic....: ) 07-07-25 08:39:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
xXMyChemicalLoveXx ::: Favorites This Is Crazy! I Looove It! XD 07-07-24 09:16:40 _____________________________________________________ |
G-Unit - 50Cent - Murda
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Duration: 04:44 minutes Upload Time: 06-03-07 11:06:45 User: korso80 :::: Favorites |
old 50 cent video |
Comments | |
Arkanni ::: Favorites LOL what a fuck that guy looks like he got hit by a bus in the face and all "gangster" music sucks fucking balls they need to get over themselves 07-08-30 02:19:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
ezapimpis ::: Favorites yeah fifty u right''ņobody likes u''bitch ass nigga!!fuck u!!50 suck BWS dicks!!! 07-08-29 16:52:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
BigGunzClick ::: Favorites This is an good song it's pretty old 07-08-29 10:57:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
gchauhanr221 ::: Favorites Hot video. This site is pretty good for delicious webcam girls - <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B> -gchauhanr221 07-08-28 14:40:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
linki33 ::: Favorites snoop dogg own 50 cent in battle 07-08-28 10:48:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
RealistMurdah ::: Favorites "dawg if u knew who shot 50 then u wudnt b sayin it on the internet 4 the whole world to see so quit frontin. murda 4 life, please nigga" never said i know em Face to Face but i know their names 07-08-28 09:53:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
lloydw342 ::: Favorites Try <B> SUNNYFAIRY DOT COM </B> for cute cam girls -lloydw342 07-08-27 23:59:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
jeffloc ::: Favorites the GAyme's life on the line. 50 50 50 cent the best. Im the best to 07-08-27 21:06:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
greasey864 ::: Favorites That nigga can't spit or talk 07-08-27 19:52:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
illist143 ::: Favorites it's Fifty! nigga fuck y'all! 07-08-27 17:23:15 _____________________________________________________ |
بومبو السيارة العجيبة
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Duration: 02:06 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-17 04:49:37 User: ebdaa3y :::: Favorites |
بومبو السيارة العجيبة |
Comments | |
DoupleT ::: Favorites thank you soooo much =D been looking for it EVERYWHERE 07-06-24 11:05:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
ahmadghayth ::: Favorites thank you very much I wounder if you could please send it to my email... thank you again :) 07-07-04 14:48:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
malaak22 ::: Favorites مافي احلى من كرتون اول thanks 07-07-14 02:15:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
rjaai ::: Favorites اي والله هدي الكرتيين الحلووه مو حق الحين thank you 07-07-26 19:26:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
BHR999 ::: Favorites صج مافي احلى من كارتنون مال اول الي يضحكني ان سيارة تطلع من بيضه! هههههه 07-08-03 00:17:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
animerose05 ::: Favorites الله كانت ايام حلوه 07-08-11 06:02:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
NaaNaa83 ::: Favorites وااااااااو السياره العجيبه كنت احبهااا 07-08-17 19:10:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Funeral For A Friend - Into Oblivion (Reunion)
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Duration: 04:06 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-05 08:22:07 User: FuneralTube :::: Favorites |
Check out the video for Funeral For A Friend's new single 'Into Oblivion (Reunion)' - out digitally 30th April and physically 7th May. The new album 'Tales Don't Tell Themselves' - out 14th May. |
Comments | |
DscT501 ::: Favorites don't work:)))))?????? 07-08-22 10:52:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
DscT501 ::: Favorites yea right;? 07-08-22 10:37:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
DscT501 ::: Favorites Awesome song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-08-21 16:04:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
dan1991woopwoop ::: Favorites kick ass song xD 07-08-20 15:48:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mystic1991 ::: Favorites awesome song <3 07-08-20 09:40:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
tyrius10 ::: Favorites yeah - all these things i hate and suwos are totally awesome songs!! 07-08-15 15:49:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
ToddsAnimations ::: Favorites Maybe people who like FFAF don't want to listen to screamo. If you do then listen to BFMV. It's no big deal what kind of music you like. 07-08-06 06:49:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DOTgiirl ::: Favorites LIEFDE x3. Ze rockn! FFAF (L.) xKellyjj! 07-08-06 04:32:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
jimmyuk007 ::: Favorites Never really like FFAF but started to like them 07-08-02 06:10:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
tinimausz ::: Favorites love this song <3 07-07-28 11:18:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Simples e Extravagante
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Duration: 06:02 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-18 08:14:41 User: ministeriodip :::: Favorites |
Este video foi feito pelo ministério DIP com o desejo de despertar nas pessoas a compaixão pelas pessoas que mais necessitam e para despertar uma ardente paixão po Jesus |
Comments | |
caitlinsweetsmiley ::: Favorites One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM < 07-08-17 16:24:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
hiphopfil ::: Favorites adirsongomes... eu imagino um pouko diferente! eu imagino o galardao q essas pessoas terao, e o quanto teve misericordia dessas pessoas, pq certamente elas ja tem destino certo! "Quem perder sua vida por Mim, achala-a" 07-08-04 17:27:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
adirsongomes ::: Favorites Éu fico imaginando o quanto estas pessoas ficaram chamando o nome de Jesus no momento da tortura , e a resposta dele foi " FODASSE " !!!! Para mim religião é a desgraça do mumdo . 07-07-23 04:18:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
adirsongomes ::: Favorites Éu fico imaginando o quanto estas pessoas ficaram chamando o nome de Jesus no momento da tortura , e a resposta dele foi " FODASSE " !!!! Para mim religião é a desgraça do mumdo . 07-07-23 04:14:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
DanielFilipeHG ::: Favorites speachless 07-07-11 07:57:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
bianke27 ::: Favorites comentar oque? falar sobre o cristianismo mediocre que vivemos, que Deus tenha misericordia da minha alma.. 07-07-02 13:12:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
arkan888 ::: Favorites Necessitamos muito mais do que possamos imaginar da misericórdia de DEUS... temo e tremo só de pensar no Juízo Final... Ajuda-nos SENHOR, porque somos desgraçadamente corruptíveis 07-06-29 11:45:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Clewerton ::: Favorites Gostei muito desse video, fui tremendamente impactado atraves dele, que possamos viver o Evangelho verdadeiro e nao este comercio que vemos nos dias de hoje 07-05-10 09:23:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
nonexp ::: Favorites e agnte acha q oq fazemos eh muito... 07-04-09 16:29:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
hsmlady81 ::: Favorites meu Deus... 07-03-29 10:03:12 _____________________________________________________ |
Sasuke Sakura - She's No You
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Duration: 04:00 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-10 15:05:53 User: SakuraWings :::: Favorites |
A Sasuke and Sakura Tribute. This complete's my AMV's for the Naruto couples. Anyways, enjoy! This is my best yet! |
Comments | |
KittyCatAngelBrat ::: Favorites I love this video! 07-08-24 17:11:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
xoxamyyyy ::: Favorites i think Sakura really did LOVE Sasuke.. but now you can tell shes starting to like Naruto! yay.. NARSAKU AND SASUHINA 4 ever! 07-08-24 16:57:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
KoharaLuna ::: Favorites calm down... everyone has their own opinion... I'm only stating a plosible reason for why it might not happen. sorry if you got offended by it...-_- 07-08-21 05:24:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
yankeeeminemluver ::: Favorites OMG i hate people like u! shut up already i know! GOSH i mean so sakura liked sasuke not just cuz he was cool its cuz he was hot and he saved her many timeS!!!! 07-08-20 09:13:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
KoharaLuna ::: Favorites It wont happen. honstly Sakura only liked Sasuke cause he was cool.. She was sterotypical..Naruto liked her and not just because in his eyes she was pretty he liked her attitude..Sasuke could care less 07-08-20 08:47:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
yankeeeminemluver ::: Favorites yeah she is pathetic at times lol and yeah i guess ino and shikamaru 07-08-10 09:10:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
kagomefan3 ::: Favorites i mean, yeah! i don't really think of sasuke and ino. don't get me wrong. i'm a huge ino fan. but, the thing is, she's kinda pathetic at times. that's not me. sasuke and sakura are better. ino and shikamaru r 4 me! 07-08-10 08:51:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
yankeeeminemluver ::: Favorites yup^^ thats why im looking foward to sasuke and sakura..lol 07-07-28 22:41:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
FrozenxAnime ::: Favorites Yeaah and plus you can see it when he says that Naruto saved Sakura and not him he wanted 2 be the 2 save her ^^ 07-07-28 15:41:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
yankeeeminemluver ::: Favorites oh and all u inosasu fans... thatll never happen -shrugs- sasuke and sakura MIGHT happen u never no';; well ino and sasuke WILL NOT HAPPEN cuz ino never saved sasuke.. she never like.. i dunno but sakura did all those things and sasuke never seemed to care lol..cuz he might like her he just never shows it cuz he wants to act moody and cool lol... 07-07-28 12:27:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Paul Barnett explains what is Warhammer Online about
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Duration: 06:19 minutes Upload Time: 06-05-25 08:20:11 User: lukecz :::: Favorites |
Easily one of the best E3 2006 presentation. If you are producing computer game and you don't have this kind of attitude, don't go to present your game to press people ;) |
Comments | |
jojozemonkey ::: Favorites This game is seriously going to kick WoWs ass, also Vanguard, its catching up to WoW very fast WoW is at 9 million and Vanguard is around 5-6 and rising fast...LoL blizzard has to come out with exp 2 just to keep people addicted (they already have enough money)....GG blizz///WAR and VAN FTW!!!!WoW FTL!!! 07-08-29 20:16:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
DruidLover500 ::: Favorites a standard guild wars broke :D hell im still looking forward to war WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH 07-08-29 20:02:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
DruidLover500 ::: Favorites you judge a game from a guy talking about it >_> 07-08-29 20:00:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
DruidLover500 ::: Favorites this guy is....well yeah insane propably but he is like alot of the warhammer community so the sence of humor is passed on XD 07-08-29 19:59:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
lauskopf ::: Favorites so he wants us to throw away pur lives and spend all of our time playing this game?? 07-08-29 18:43:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hirokana91 ::: Favorites Oh poor little Deatheye don't have friends in real so he want to make friends in MMO game. Sad :) Seriously, you are talking shit only. What forbide me to make friends with people. Oh you mean i must LOVE all dwarves when I'm Orc? I supouse you don't kill Horde/Alliance in WoW cause you want to make friends with them :) Start talking some serious things 07-08-29 13:50:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
number275 ::: Favorites Warhammer online isn't even out yet so how can all you warcraft people give bad comments about it. it could be amazing for all you know! and anyway warcraft is getting old people are getting bored of it if you ask me i think many people playing world of warcraft at the moment will switch over the warhammer online simply because its new and exciting. 07-08-29 11:58:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
BlinginTom ::: Favorites when do we get to play the beta for warhammer 07-08-28 22:32:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Deattheye ::: Favorites I'll be laughing at you at every forum if WoW will beat Warhammer to the pieces, Blizards always made a great games, aspecialy Warcraft 3 (that is sport now), and don't forget the Starcraft, but Warhammer is the stupid game where you rush and crush no people meeting, no mking friends no helping each other, you just kill things that is all, nerd, I'll see you in about 3 month when you will come back to WoW with tears on your eyes. 07-08-28 20:31:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
EternityInfinity ::: Favorites What he's trying to say is, Warcraft is a cheap Warhammer knock off. 07-08-28 18:14:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Gin and Juice
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Duration: 03:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-18 04:54:34 User: Kidkel69 :::: Favorites |
http://www.rockingfunmusic.com kevbro400z |
Comments | |
machoneMS ::: Favorites Imagine all the people Living for today... Can I party at your house? 07-03-24 16:41:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
MartyKemp ::: Favorites Dude.... we're like only joking about... kidkel loves me and my trash talk!!!! 07-03-23 16:20:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
iseehaters ::: Favorites ok i just dont like people shitting on my friends 07-03-23 06:14:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Herniuspictures ::: Favorites Imagine theres no heaven its easy if you try. 07-03-23 05:19:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
iseehaters ::: Favorites im not talking about him im talking about martykemp.. 07-03-21 18:09:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
iseehaters ::: Favorites is this guy crapping on you>? if so ban his ass already, you have been way to nice this him for no good reason, if im wrong here let me know. but i dont think i am. uless its some other asshole who keeps putting you down.. 07-03-20 17:55:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
iseehaters ::: Favorites YOU DID dont you remember?? lol 07-03-20 17:50:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
stratocruncher ::: Favorites Can the band party at your house too? 07-03-20 04:32:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
audreynolandisback ::: Favorites i like this you guys are having so much fun 07-03-20 01:13:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sgtmcguckin ::: Favorites okay this is freaky 07-03-19 13:37:25 _____________________________________________________ |