Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cover of 'Since You Been Gone'

Duration: 03:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-15 16:50:36
User: KrisMoyse
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Kelly Clarkson cover

Nadoow ::: Favorites
Your voice is really good!
07-09-18 12:52:46
flyalaskaair ::: Favorites
Idiot. [kelly] I think-like any other person with dignity-that it was rude. [zz]
07-09-14 17:11:34
kellyclover69 ::: Favorites
nerd.[fly] i thought it was funny. [zz]
07-09-14 15:52:05
jenncool21 ::: Favorites
sweet! :D keep it up
07-09-12 15:19:00
flyalaskaair ::: Favorites
Get some manners.
07-09-01 18:18:35
zztrosse1 ::: Favorites
omg i just came
07-09-01 13:48:07
zenabocte ::: Favorites
nice... wanna have concert here...?
07-08-28 09:31:06
xoPLASTIChearts ::: Favorites
OMFG. (:
07-08-27 15:05:39
rubiks4x4 ::: Favorites
is that the moon light 30th anniversary CRAFTER????(guitar) because i just bought that one yesterday and i love it
07-08-10 21:57:13
mondaymina ::: Favorites
07-08-09 23:57:49

Heroes Season 2 - 2nd Trailer/Promo

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 06:54:31
User: OliverTK
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Heroes Downloads Season 2 Images Another great Heroes season 2 trailer, showing new footage from the up and coming episode.

Amtrakblue ::: Favorites
u suck hardly
07-09-15 13:34:14
Sraye ::: Favorites
Now Sylar's gonna kill candice...
07-09-14 09:48:32
KazamaFury ::: Favorites
It's probably the theory that Nathan flew Peter to a safe area to detonate and took off at supersonic speed before Peter blew up. Nathan knows that Peter can regenerate so Peter may have crash landed or maybe Nathan came back to catch him, I hear we won't know until the 8th episode of the season
07-09-10 14:31:44
milZ1 ::: Favorites
omg! The 'Sark' dude from Alias is in it!! Yay! Can't wait!
07-09-10 07:27:55
LaserCrusader ::: Favorites
I want to know the same thing. I mean in that alternate future Peter survived the explosion he caused but than why did the trailer say two heores making the ultimate sacriface? Ultimate sacriface makes it sound that both are dead.
07-09-09 22:25:26
idalygallagher ::: Favorites
07-09-06 17:01:22
OliverTK ::: Favorites
He says "so none of this is real"
07-09-06 08:51:16
idalygallagher ::: Favorites
oooooooooooooooo woooooooooooooooooooow, what sylar say? i can't understan so much the english
07-09-05 17:24:58
PumpkinzZz ::: Favorites
heroes sucks hardly!
07-09-03 10:40:54
Swerty25 ::: Favorites
cant wait!!!!!!!
07-08-29 20:07:35

whateva music video-Ayah Nichole

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-29 13:53:53
User: PinkSopretty000
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Brookers Marines troops My untied stats of whatever

PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
07-09-13 09:58:30
ruhail1 ::: Favorites
lol i knew there was a muslim connection lol u guys chose a good name and im sorry to hear about ur husbands mother, may allah have mercy on hear. salam alikum :)
07-08-28 00:15:24
PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
its from the quran my husbands mothers name was ayah she died a few yrs ago thanks mysalama
07-08-27 22:50:58
ruhail1 ::: Favorites
cute kid and very well made vid' what does her name mean? cuz we arabs have the name Ayah and it means (miracle, sign, verse) :)
07-08-27 16:33:49
MjjFanSally ::: Favorites
omg she is so adorable!!! she's gonna be so pretty when she grows up! real cutiiee!!! ^^
07-08-15 19:33:33
Weasleyareking ::: Favorites
She so CUTE lol how old she?
07-08-15 16:45:49
PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
kepp commenting on my vids i appreciate the help getting my comments up
07-08-05 16:07:20
PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
thats really nice thanks!
07-08-05 16:03:16
flamesonthesideofmy ::: Favorites
I feel bad for that child to have a mother like you.
07-08-05 05:26:45
PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
thanks and ummmm im not sure on how old u r but if you are like my age or younger please take ur time and not rush into it this video is just a once in a while thing lol my hands are ful with one kid lol and her daddy
07-07-31 13:08:12
Syntube ::: Favorites
1:01" is great synch :D, cute girl, cool music, freak editing, thanx for sharing....I want to be married and have such cute kids
07-07-31 10:08:27
PinkSopretty000 ::: Favorites
thanks i am glad yah liked it hey what is ur email address i need to send ur pic to u
07-07-30 21:45:01
MaryCatastrophe ::: Favorites
hahaha. she's sooo cute. <3
07-07-30 18:24:08

Response to Wrathsinner

Duration: 05:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 23:30:19
User: whiteash001
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Here's some Abridged Advice from your friendly neighbourhood canuck WhiteAsh001! :D Enjoy~!

whiteash001 ::: Favorites
07-09-15 11:51:44
lizmun ::: Favorites
hahaha... if my laptop wasn't on the verge of causing mass genocide from it's radioactive oldness, I'd probably be doing Ebichu Abridged! XD Nah... Maybe Ranma 1/2. Maybe the world's lucky that I'm not doing it. Eh well. Love your series, and can't wait for your next episode! <3
07-09-15 09:33:10
FujiwaraMisaki140 ::: Favorites
i know that but since you put the text i believed that you were strangling him =^^=
07-09-15 01:02:30
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
Indeed it is!
07-09-14 22:18:35
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
There are many anime out there that haven't been Abridged. ^^
07-09-14 22:18:26
ShadowAngel1718 ::: Favorites
Dress in drag an do the hula *snerk*. I believe that's a Lion King reference.
07-09-14 18:45:36
narutoclashninja ::: Favorites
I don't know what I should I abridge...Narutos taken...Saiyuki=taken ((Love your series))...Gwad I gotta think....
07-09-14 18:42:34
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
I already said I wasn't strangling him!!
07-09-14 01:50:31
FujiwaraMisaki140 ::: Favorites
wow great advise! i love your voice & your abridged saiyuki series! (im so hyped! cant wait to see #9) lol your so funny "thinks about it"...."again" awesome!!!awesome!!!awesome!!! *GASP* 8D KIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD OMG!!! I LOVE YOUR KITTIES!!!! THEYRE SOOOO CUTE!!! XD i want a kitty now -_-' AW simba looks so CUTE!!! dont strangle him! ;_;
07-09-14 00:51:56
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
07-09-13 20:02:53

Basil Poledouris en Ubeda. Anvil Of Crom Bis.

Duration: 05:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-10 22:59:43
User: 13javier
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Basil Poledouris dirige la orquesta en este Bis tras el que el publico puesto en pie le dedicó más de 3 minutos de ovación. También podemos ver a John Ottman, John Debney, John Frizzell y Lisbeth Scott.

augustaprettydollvj ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-16 07:24:12
chrkra74 ::: Favorites
Fuck it hits me every time, nice to hear it this way. t is and will be one of the best cores ever, outstanding like morricone´s The good, bad and ugly. unfortunately both not honored, a sin by these fucking academy.
07-08-10 03:37:56
godadameve ::: Favorites
Holy cow! The music sounds exactly like it did in the movie! I saw it a looonnnng looong time ago in a galaxy far, far away. At the end of the world...and it still remains AWESOME. R.I.P. Basil Poledouris and thanks 13javier!
07-07-10 05:38:05
franggio666 ::: Favorites
im proud of how men can produce something like this, pure art, lets do more of this instead of war or other stupid shi...
07-06-22 22:39:03
vannisz ::: Favorites
Conan is a MASTERPIECE...another 5 years and even the so-called "intellectuals" will realize it.
07-06-17 16:59:10
SuddenPizza ::: Favorites
What is the significance of the outfit he is wearing?
07-06-09 19:20:19
supremetacobeast ::: Favorites
Such raw, masculine power! Excellent!
07-05-13 17:54:19
ambeatz ::: Favorites
que pasada tio, que pasada.
07-05-09 10:49:26
justadreem ::: Favorites
people make fun of this movie but fact is its a classic. and the score is a masterpiece
07-03-31 01:08:55
peterscoop ::: Favorites
Conan the barbarian in my opinin is the best fantasy movie oif all time till now, and the music score that clearly was ahead of tits time and very "visible" in this movie was one of the things that makes it(the movie) so great for me.
07-03-23 11:38:10

crazy Bulgarian on a motorbike

Duration: 05:52 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-15 13:59:53
User: tsetsooo
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crazy bulgarian wheeling and taking the courners on one wheel on very fast speed.everyone should see

canuckplaya100 ::: Favorites
Next its going to be "crazy bulgarian in a box 6 feet under"
07-09-06 00:12:18
wall263 ::: Favorites
07-09-05 18:45:41
Cnupoc ::: Favorites
evala, koito go mozhe go mozhe, kvo da kazhe 4oveka ;D
07-09-04 18:09:58
jeffsteadman ::: Favorites
whos the idiot???
07-08-16 21:51:57
Mydadsdog ::: Favorites
OMG you are such a f***ing moron, I apologized you idiot!
07-08-09 02:22:40
BGSlopy ::: Favorites
Yea are dumb...yes you are:)
07-08-08 11:44:31
hyena7811 ::: Favorites
some of them can buy you and your family even without knowing about it...
07-07-31 08:59:02
jeffsteadman ::: Favorites
got your message.. thanks.. understand now.
07-07-24 01:02:54
jeffsteadman ::: Favorites
yeah.. what truth are you talkin about im curious.. please reply..
07-07-21 22:31:02
hed1e ::: Favorites
dude, you are far far away from the truth =)
07-07-20 16:05:32

Lepa Brena - Sanjam

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-19 12:17:33
User: bosnier
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krisstinaaaa ::: Favorites
Brena zauvek broj 1.
07-09-14 05:48:03
sneyder69 ::: Favorites
pozdravje from holland
07-09-11 18:31:52
CHE3AHA ::: Favorites
sve do kraja sveta dalekih planeta sa njim otišla bih ja! dado volim te
07-09-11 05:31:49
opasnajebac ::: Favorites
Svaka cast, bilo stvarno nesto.
07-09-08 11:29:29
srbinedelija ::: Favorites
najača mwa.....
07-09-08 10:02:05
swishworld ::: Favorites
prelepa pesma!!
07-09-04 07:31:16
Marinapomorac ::: Favorites
Fala na pjesmi. Tek sam je jutros našla na webu. Obožavala sam je kroz srednju školu i sad je zakon!
07-08-20 03:07:16
dsquared21 ::: Favorites
volim pjesmu. volio sam brenu, a i danas mi je u srcu.
07-08-18 15:57:28
dulniker ::: Favorites
Da je bilo srece da nije menjala aranzmane za poslednji the best of. Aranzmani iz devedesetih su joj nepobedivi i klasik jugoslovenske muzike
07-08-17 20:43:23
perpetumobil ::: Favorites
Brena predsjednik!!!
07-08-14 22:56:04

UIC Dancing Flames 2007 National Champion routine

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-19 13:12:28
User: tmcgill
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Congrats to the UDA Division 1 College Hip Hop champions!!!! Tryouts for incoming 07-08 incoming freshman, transfers and current UIC students are April 14th! Email for more info...

ohmygeeitslee ::: Favorites
i love this.
07-09-13 09:39:28
amyvazquez ::: Favorites
THAZ RRRIIIIGHT! ... i loved it !!!
07-09-09 14:39:11
bhigle2 ::: Favorites
Our coach picked all the songs then had someone mix it for her for nationals
07-09-05 01:20:41
ohmygeeitslee ::: Favorites
man i love that mix!! If i can get it somewhere let me know!! That was a really really cute dance! Good job.
07-09-03 09:33:48
xtina03 ::: Favorites
tht was hot!
07-07-30 21:13:09
lovely100sarey ::: Favorites
07-07-22 21:12:38
dancer4life1994 ::: Favorites
omg im in poms and we r gonna have the same choreogrophor!!!
07-07-21 14:37:42
bhigle2 ::: Favorites
There are like 4 or 5 different songs in this mix
07-07-19 17:32:56
imhojho ::: Favorites
anyone knows the title of the song? pls, post it...
07-07-19 07:01:13
Soon2BFamous10 ::: Favorites
WTF for some white girls they are good
07-06-28 13:13:29

Vader Of The Opera

Duration: 04:26 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-30 21:25:31
User: jasonphantasm
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Phantom of the Opera meets Star Wars

aisqutis ::: Favorites
awesome 5/5
07-09-18 11:56:52
etb1244 ::: Favorites
what's lmao
07-09-13 18:18:37
Fishinggirl15 ::: Favorites
Laugh my ass off
07-09-12 21:45:44
Fishinggirl15 ::: Favorites
Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman are the original Phantom of the Opera and Christine Daae in "The Phantom of the Opera"
07-09-12 21:45:09
etb1244 ::: Favorites
who are they
07-09-12 20:49:12
etb1244 ::: Favorites
waht's LMAO
07-09-12 20:48:44
lastofthewilds ::: Favorites
Cool! That's really good!
07-09-12 15:04:01
rosie71350 ::: Favorites
my two favorite movies in one! great!
07-09-07 16:52:33
siffen12 ::: Favorites
Thast was great, Hope that George Lucas sees it.
07-09-06 14:43:15
doozi ::: Favorites
LMAO This is too awesome. Nice job!
07-09-06 07:46:18

ZZ Top Viva Las Vegas Houston Rodeo 03-18-2007

Duration: 05:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-21 03:05:28
User: SuperGrego
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Shot from the crowd.

Winky395 ::: Favorites
"Just as good as they were 30 years ago!" Well the first time I saw them in 73 I was 13!
07-05-10 04:43:56
stealthy2 ::: Favorites
Excellent decision to go primarily with the big screens instead of shooting them directly. Well done SG!!!
07-04-15 21:06:00
SuperGrego ::: Favorites
I saw them in Central Texas also (Bell County) 2nd row. And also have videos of that show as well.. REAL nice ones...
07-04-07 04:06:05
wjv4me ::: Favorites
Love this one and the way ZZ sings it...they ROCK! Thanks for the more please:-)
07-04-06 20:26:58
Fureak ::: Favorites
I wanna know how you got that, cause I was their and no video recording was allowed
07-03-30 23:10:25
mybadtexas ::: Favorites
Great video! I saw them last night here in Central texas. They didn't have the big screens up sionce it was in a small Expo Center holding about 6000 people. but their performance lacked in no way! Just as good as they were 30 years ago!
07-03-25 16:17:01
zzsound ::: Favorites
Thank you SuperGrego,we love any live-files ! yes letzzboogie we see ZZ TOP in June in Germany! finally...
07-03-22 04:08:27
GreenGator94 ::: Favorites
Way to go Greg! Thank heaven for big screens! What the hell's with those people walking in front of your camera - do you mean to tell me that they don't get as transfixed as us Lizzters do?
07-03-21 16:07:39
letzzboogie ::: Favorites
Hands were not too shaky Gregg. Pretty cool. Look forward to seeing the boyzz in Germany June 2007.
07-03-21 10:38:21

Ode to the Nice Guys

Duration: 08:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-17 00:57:42
User: sabot96
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What is it like to be a nice guy. Here is a link to the Ode that I used at the beginning:

62Power ::: Favorites
07-09-15 02:05:26
CJSD ::: Favorites
Guys when you talk to a woman and she starts talking about some jerk she is screwing with have some damn pride and walk away. I used to be like a nice guy (I thought like one anyway) I am still a good guy, but I no longer put women on pedestals this is the big problem with many men. Look guys women are equal to us it is just that we often want to bang them badly. They are NOT above us in anyway and the jerks and badboys know this and that is why they succeed and get laid a lot.
07-09-12 10:12:57
sabot96 ::: Favorites
Thank you for your comment. It sounds like your have learned like I have learned.
07-09-10 05:46:12
62Power ::: Favorites
but i am not saying that you should fake yourself but it is never too late to perceive an error because threatening women too good is a fault ...they dont deserve it.....thats not an advice to you i am younger than you and dont have as much experience as you i just wanted to write what i think
07-09-09 23:14:10
62Power ::: Favorites
i know completely what you mean .....3 4 years ago i was also too nice an threated women like you because i thought you have to be nice to get a girlfriend or get laid and make all their whishes come true but that is soooo wrong ....if you are (too) nice you are bring and not interessting ..because you are easy to have ....women love the challenge.....meanwhile i stopped to be that nice and my dates have increased ....i am a really good person like you but i dont show it immediately ;)
07-09-09 23:07:58
sabot96 ::: Favorites
Ha ha ha. Yeap you have to be a real ass hole. You can't fake it.
07-09-07 02:06:12
BoyBlaze2002 ::: Favorites
I can't fathom why girls choose ass holes. Anutha thing I don't get is if U act like a ass hole it backfires.
07-09-06 19:54:26
freebyrd07 ::: Favorites
The only problem with nice guys is sometimes you men come off as gay .
07-08-27 20:10:47
Add1cti0n1337 ::: Favorites
lol never knew how much it sucked to be the nice guy, sucks for u
07-08-23 20:05:41
Docthewrench ::: Favorites
Yep slap abitch and they are happy
07-08-04 08:28:48

Don't Mess With Cho Hakkai

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-02 16:06:43
User: whiteash001
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My sister told me I should put this together after watching my Whose Bed Gojyo? AMV with the audio from the episodes playing as opposed to the music. At one point in the beginning, Hakkai sounds like he's threatening Gojyo... so I went with it. :D This is for you Sis~! Music: Silly Psyduck Note: The shots miss, dudes.

GreeneyesAngel01 ::: Favorites
I think he learned his lesson but man...what a way to go... XD
07-08-23 09:43:43
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
Thakns so much! Yes, and yes. Pokemon music to actual clips. :D
07-06-14 13:12:13
Ritsukono ::: Favorites
LMAO!!!>_< THAT WAS ULTRA FUNNY!!!->_<-5/5The music was from pokemon wasn't it?-^_^-and those were actual clips from the anime!!!>_<KICK ASS!
07-06-14 11:02:46
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
07-06-13 12:18:43
btamamura ::: Favorites
Oh man, that was fantastic. You never cease to amaze me. Love the Pokemon background music...again.
07-06-13 12:17:59
spinchan ::: Favorites
xDDDD ROFLMFAO! funniest 17 seconds of my life!
07-05-25 18:35:38
Borinyukami ::: Favorites
XD, that was great!
07-04-05 16:26:43
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
Naw, the shots missed.
07-04-03 22:59:11
GotHicks ::: Favorites
"Lets hope he learned his lesson this time!" Wait I'm fairly certain after that he doesnt get anymore chances.
07-04-03 22:12:43
whiteash001 ::: Favorites
07-03-11 11:46:02

Techniques With Todd #1 - Basic Speed Picking

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-11 23:44:30
User: toddsquadxyz
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First in a series of short instructional guitar videos. This video is about basic speed picking using one shape. You can catch up on the lessons, at

toddsquadxyz ::: Favorites
Well said! :) Todd
07-09-18 03:23:50
toddsquadxyz ::: Favorites
Great question! Always start slow and get to where you can play the pattern clean and steady. try to practice with a metronome. Then slowly speed up by increasing the speed of the metronome. More lessons about picking are coming up on my personal web site. Practice! Todd
07-09-18 03:18:36
toddsquadxyz ::: Favorites
yup, up, down, up, down. More vids are coming soon about picking on my web site. Practice! Todd
07-09-18 03:17:30
toddsquadxyz ::: Favorites
Thanks :) Much more to come! Practice Todd
07-09-18 03:17:01
toddsquadxyz ::: Favorites
I alternate up/down/up/down for my picking :) I've got several videos coming up on my web site about picking. Practice! Todd
07-09-18 03:16:45
faizoscar ::: Favorites
thanks.. practice, practice, practice
07-09-11 09:33:48
bluenote311 ::: Favorites
todd, do u learn shred patterns by gradually speeding them up or just kind of playing the pattern(left) and feeling the tempo with the right, or both? im trying to stop double picking single notes within a pattern
07-08-27 02:23:18
MEtalliceleven ::: Favorites
hey tod i have a cuestion you picking is uo down ever please answer me
07-08-22 15:46:13
trustmac ::: Favorites
this is very good.. thanks for this..
07-08-07 18:45:22
lmilani73 ::: Favorites
Hi Todd, after 10 years (and after one wedding and two children....) I started to play again, but this time I would like to play better and...faster. What can you tell me about the right hand and the style of picking ? I have to use the arm or only the wrist ? I apologize for my English but I am Italian. Thanks for your kind reply.
07-08-06 10:28:47

Ray Charles sings Team America

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-01 04:04:58
User: JezztaSudich
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PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!!! This is footage from the movie 'Ray' edited together to the song "America Fuck yeah!" from team America. I hope Matt and Trey don't sue me. They shouldn't cos they're cool dudes right? And Ray wont sue me cos he's dead. And Jamie Foxx won't cos he's rich anyway and too busy bangin Carmen Electra.

sillyrnu007 ::: Favorites
Wow. I've never seen this movie, but I don't think I'll be able to watch it without thinking of this. Thanks... I think.
07-09-17 16:05:00
PuffyPigs ::: Favorites
lmao well kl
07-09-17 14:02:48
bsullivan2 ::: Favorites
"Books!" LOL
07-09-17 03:33:15
echuu2740 ::: Favorites
This is heroic
07-09-16 18:26:24
GlenSandersRocks ::: Favorites
07-09-16 16:26:52
Dooplissfilms ::: Favorites
07-09-16 03:34:45
robain218 ::: Favorites
i laughed so hard!! good job on this video!! loved it!
07-09-15 20:57:08
Avslutarn ::: Favorites
hoooooohh my f*cking god :D:D seriousley sweet. thumbs up for this one, hilarious!
07-09-14 15:23:59
izkariot ::: Favorites
Marry me and have my babies. This blew me away.
07-09-14 12:20:58
havesomespecks ::: Favorites
slavery.. fuck yeah. what a forgiving chap :p
07-09-14 10:38:00