Friday, March 28, 2008

I Got a Lot of Ideas

Duration: 02:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-19 23:23:23

George Carlin's ideas. Hilarious.


the2bestfriends  2008-03-27 21:26:08

SventheCrusader  2008-03-21 18:15:07

Fatmanmi  2008-02-17 13:39:11

sailorlunadiana  2008-02-16 17:40:53

I would buy it all. Espesically that lightbulb. And the rouch spray.
MrSpellcheck  2008-01-22 14:44:08

brb, gotta go clean out my shitman

impacto daddy yankee en monterrey

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-18 11:24:14

12 de octubre concierto de daddy yankee en la arena monterrey. tour big boss


leonardino10  2007-11-28 00:38:53

haha no mamesk esa cabeza k estorbaa soi io
rociojannett  2007-11-12 09:30:30

entra a mi cuenta y ahi veras el video de tirate un paso
rociojannett  2007-11-12 09:30:02

entra a mi cuenta ahi ves todos los videos k subi
robertochavito  2007-11-10 15:40:20

oye no me podrias pasar ese video
vbarrero  2007-11-09 23:06:17

alguien tiene videos de tirate un paso?

HAPPY 2008!

Duration: 03:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 17:03:21

From my family and myself to all my friends here at youtube! We hope the coming year is an adventurous one for you


ChrisMesropian  2008-02-16 20:22:20

If thats a limo then your life must be great!
sharonafox1  2008-01-24 14:48:15

Hope you guys are still having fun! Happy New Year!
gorikuri  2008-01-15 17:46:29

Both of your sons are an handsome as you are. ;-) Looks like you guys had fun. 5 stars.
gurlinterrupted60  2008-01-07 21:29:55

Get the tubes cut, DAMN!!!
gurlinterrupted60  2008-01-07 21:24:42

One word. No... two syllables, I mean three, no... it's four. Bacarde Rum. Nuif said.

art of using air

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-27 05:05:44

use air artistically



Duration: 10:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 16:09:23



LifeH0use2  2008-03-23 14:45:43

hahahaha polli plaka!!!!! looooooooooool LAZOPOULOS POWER!
haxbox57  2008-03-09 10:48:44

gamoto 8a pe8anw apo ta gelia.......xD
markustg21  2008-03-01 14:55:17

o malakas o kokakias milaei gia narkotika????giati de snyfarei ligo koka na sunelthei???
JOYCEzhz  2008-02-26 03:47:40

JOYCEzhz  2008-02-26 03:44:58


08 - Curl by Jonathan Coulton

Duration: 04:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-22 03:33:13

A music video for the song "Curl" by Jonathan Coulton using public domain and creative commons pictures. for the lyrics for the photo credits for the bigger version (20MB)


MuroKhan  2008-02-22 18:01:15

Okay, that baby at 3:01 scared the hell outta me... Thought it was an actual one.
unpronouncable  2008-01-30 20:12:41

We're better than America!Canada is FAMOUS for curling!!!
zonorata  2008-01-30 08:08:40

You can get his music on itunes
Sindre1  2008-01-26 15:31:57

That building at 1:40 blew up in an episode of Doctor Who. Also: Good vid :)
huckbry1  2008-01-03 17:47:20

i love this song. and minnesota is awesome! Where can I find this song on Cd or something so I can share it with my friends?

Margarita bailando La Tortura

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-07 04:04:11

en la piscina de su casa me hizo el baile de La Tortura que esa misma noche ella íba a bailar delante de sus amigos con motivo de su fiesta de cumpleaños


chicharo1981  2008-03-25 17:26:48

mamita estas bien rica
ElCid4321  2008-03-23 04:08:46

The women look good. The men are all fat and stupid.
istarpetitasic86  2008-03-21 14:18:09

me quedo con el chico... mm melenudoooo
luisarrieta83  2008-03-20 19:50:44

jajajajaja y el tipo es tan hipocrita que dice que se mueve bien ajajaja cuidado y te ve shakira porque te demanda por imitarla tan feooo jajajajajja me rey mucho con los comentarios
moyeta007  2008-03-18 09:59:49

Ay esta cadera que no me da, la tengo tiesa como un compas, aciete de coco le voy a untar, para moverla de aqui pa'alla, para moverla de aqui pa' alla, para moverla de aqui pa'alla. te doy un 7 por tu intencion de querer animar y por originalidad, y un 3 por baile.

Guitar Hero 3 Me vs ACDCGAMER in Through The Fire and Flames

Duration: 08:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-27 19:10:12

Yeah. MATTHEWGU4: Left ACDCGAMER: Right LOL. The Rock Meter's needle didn't move from my side.


metalsonic233  2008-03-18 15:32:53

lol well u did try your best
MATTHEWGU4  2008-03-17 22:21:20

no u.
XGoLd3nxLuIgIX  2008-03-17 22:11:55

sometimes i think to myself 'wow i know this guy' and i don't even wonder y
metalsonic233  2008-03-17 21:46:06

matt no offnece but never do that again
Nathan09363  2008-03-13 16:54:42

Man... you guys are good... i can't get past hard (because i still can't do hammer-ons and pull-offs.....)

Army Of The Pharaohs - Battle Cry

Duration: 06:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-27 14:26:37

Army Of The Pharaohs - Battle Cry lyrics done by 786QM786 and sorry if their any mistakes randomness *Autos & Vehicles *Comedy *Entertainment *Film & Animation *Gadgets & Games *Howto & DIY *Music *News & Politics *People & Blogs *Pets & Animals *Sports *Travel & Places ...just remember, I'm only one-click away! home train love part 小鬼 music kitty tales jump dossiers pets anime hot technology science drift hsv kiss regimebald mason de trick school movie singing my tv trailer video nouvel ... 3gsm skate cats me video fantasy japan 51 final live fight animation clip 2007 nazi amv eminem dancing cat cute soccer episode dance blog final dog girl show robot war dog tv music maplestory world of warcraft wow runescape silkroad online games dogs super ovni アイマス rock animals stupid english new zone reptilian baby food free naruto fantasy la super with pc crazy by comedy 360 fun funny football song sex snow bike do accident sexy kids travel ep car 2006 mario super x factor a men in white angle dude skating dogs birds tits boobs vagina britney spears nude naked striptease dragonballz dragon demon batman spiderman superman ass asshole george bush usa vice president titanic sinking ship is gay free hugs campaign prank call the simpsons family guy passions teacher police chase renetto guitar piano rock pop dance hiphop fire burn july of christmas xmas easter asians asian kissing kiss hot cold iraq war hitler ww2 wwii world war 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d f g h j k l p o i u y t r e w q z x c v b n m letters numbers 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 number 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 shit fuck wank wanker cunt bitch dog populatity new york hollywood famous places celebraty global warming climate change al gore george james blunt sucks prodigy rocks snow rain wet porn nude hot club penguin Acoustic lyrics guitar england uk united kingdom fifa world cup usa america canada fuck autism autistic awareness syndrome is horrible horror club eminem cool vlog log juts simpsons cartoon network 20th 21st century fox bbc mtv dance chart radio cnn news headline documentary mingy xbox hack rom hacking cd disc cock dick scottosh fold iphone phone penis penisland island ships 9/11 911 terrorict terror attack world trade center towers blow up renetto iraq war hitler clothes topless crash bandicoot team racing playstation sony microsoft nintendo wii ebay note adobe final cut apple premiere news online outkast birds bees community communist revolver gun shotgun hunting deer bear dick cheney condoleeza late nite early morning hell Most Popular Tags cyber space nasa galaxy mars saturn uranus pluto nasa rocket rocketscience science landscape countryside nature advertisment sonic hedgehog rayman kid friendly kid-friendly child moddles 2006 2007 220 accident animal animals animation anime atheist baby bleach blog bowl car cars cat cats comedy commercial southpark south park halo halo2 halo3 gameplay preview deleted scene cut out editing edit cool crash crazy cute dance day de death deutschland dog ella episode episode fight football fun funny funny game gay gear girl girls god guitar hana high hot humor james japan japan japanese la live live love man movie music music naruto naruto new new rap religion rock s.h.e s.h.e. school sex sexy show soccer song super super top tv tv two video video vs war weilun wii world world you youtube 光芒音樂會 吳尊吴尊汪東城花样少年少女花樣少年少女 許瑋倫 飛輪海 飞轮海 季 節の話題 プテロダクティルス 投票・推薦 季節の話題 冬 - 樹氷 - なまはげ - かまくら - 謝肉祭/カーニバル - 蝋梅 - 旧正月/春節 - 福寿草 - デコポン - スケート - ワカサギ - 猫柳 今日のこよみ スコティッシュ・フォールド (more) (less)


FiswaT  2008-03-11 15:10:39

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SiCCCkk ShiTT
FormidableFoe1  2008-03-06 21:01:59

This is the fuckin shit right here
ElMastero  2008-03-01 23:33:13

WOW @ wrong lyrics. Pharoah CLIQUE GLASS astronaut helmets
abesmilkyway  2008-02-28 17:42:25

dupumu  2008-02-28 17:18:46

da gods

小島よしおのものまねです 3歳です

Duration: 00:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-18 07:50:08



mao46mao  2008-03-03 22:30:00

そんなのかんけーね!!( ´∀`)
rikkyhaha  2008-01-07 03:49:52

truecalling2323  2007-12-06 09:28:48

他可爱。 チン・トン・タン・テン・トン  ハイ!おっぱっぴー!!(^^♪