Monday, August 13, 2007

In complete shock

Duration: 242 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-31 19:15:34
User: mgphenom
:::: Favorites

I'm not much of one for Vlogs but this one was kinda theraputic.. I needed to talk about this. My grandpa went in for surgury to remove cancer this morning.. they rescheduled him for next tuesday. I'm a bit in shock.. I didn't really see this coming.

Davidhok ::: Favorites
Dude Ill put in a prayer for that....blessings..
06-08-01 02:11:08
revilomat ::: Favorites
I wish you that everything will turn out good. It is great that you are there for your grandfather. I think this is most important.
06-08-01 07:37:54
New2UToob ::: Favorites
Your grandfather survived war and cancer - he sounds like one determined individual! I will keep him, you and your family in my prayers. Stay positive - for both your sakes.
06-08-01 13:27:13
Itsame ::: Favorites
hey man, I really hope that everything works out for your grandpa.
06-08-02 01:50:24
chaindaddy ::: Favorites
i hope your grandfather is ok man but don't feel down
06-08-02 07:58:36
hannahruth0 ::: Favorites
*hugs* hang in there...he'll be ok...
06-08-02 11:55:35
megrkyjzfan3 ::: Favorites
I'll pray for your grandpa also
06-08-02 16:45:45
megrkyjzfan3 ::: Favorites
you should do a youtube video on your grandpa
06-08-02 16:49:13
sonolamiacanzone ::: Favorites
hugs i'll be praying for you and your family :)
06-08-02 20:12:43
oftenIGNORDnvr4goten ::: Favorites
*hugs Matt* I hope everything is going as well as can be expected. Your admiration for your grandfather is lovely.
06-08-03 13:40:01

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