Monday, August 13, 2007

Got Banned Again... This time its final

Duration: 521 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-08 11:08:20
User: Kalamolng
:::: Favorites

Yes folks! Start from scratch lol! This guy banned me! This is the video I spread around youtube & promoted. I was the first one to put this video in youtube. I'm certain of it! Which copied for more than 6 times after I posted it! I do hope that he gets featured that way I could shove to alot of ppl what he did!

willmed ::: Favorites
What a bunch of bs! You gave proper credit to the creator and he went and cry to yt once he noticed the video was very popular? Argh! A big boooooooo to Edward Current, booooo! Your intentions were good, man.
07-06-08 13:28:18
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Thanks! I hope someone will feature him!
07-06-09 07:22:57
uncprinciple ::: Favorites
Aren't the TOS allowing the usage of videos which are available through the functionality of YT as long as the original videos are kept uploaded? Anyway, don't blame others, even if EC could have behaved decently and more like a Christian. I'd have expected him to first contact you directly, and to ask for removal.
07-06-08 16:01:56
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
No its just me hating him! Come on he could have really tried to talk about telling me. Instead pull something like that! Can't blame him. But I can question his motives! They do seemed questionable & filled w/ contradictions!
07-06-09 07:22:39
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
1.)He says: That putting his video on youtube has reduce his no. of views! Again he has no proof to back it up! Contradiction: (On the same email) He made the video as contest w/ his buddy to see who gets more views. And he also said that he has already won! Which makes me wonder why banned ppl when your already done!
07-06-09 08:04:01
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
2.) He says he didn't want to ban to ppl who uploaded his videos just to make him popular! Contradiction: he knew all of the 6 videos being made. Who were also banned.
07-06-09 23:28:06
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Finally The video was uploaded around October 2006! His account was made on December 04, 2006! Which obvious give him too much time to delete them as early as possible. And yet he let alot of ppl during this time to copy it & spread it around the internet! He upload his most popular video only on June 02, 2007! Doesn't all this seemed odd?
07-06-09 23:33:06
uncprinciple ::: Favorites
I'd say, get over it because it was you who has taken a risk when you had put another one's video on your channel. But I can understand your anger and agree with you to publicly show his uncomradely behavior.
07-06-10 15:46:41
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Nah I'm over it! I've done my bashing part! Thanks anyways!
07-06-11 05:59:00
luckylpf ::: Favorites
I've now watched 5 minutes of this video, and for what? whining about really nothing... I want my 5 minutes back.
07-06-09 05:21:00
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
thanks for watching! I wanted explain why I got banned! No one was force to watch anyways!
07-06-09 07:18:37
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Tell ur buddy Edward to stop hiding from a child! OR at least I think u r!
07-06-09 23:40:11
b0necrusher ::: Favorites
so yt banned you for breaking the rules and copying someones video...and now your whining about it...get a life loser
07-06-09 14:47:04
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Um thanks but you watch my video & I'm you sure you are the one who doesn't one haha!
07-06-09 20:00:34
Russoft ::: Favorites
sorry to hear about that.
07-06-10 03:37:04
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
Nah its okey! Can't do anything about! What I did was harass the person to death! Its one thing to say sorry. But its definitely another if you refuse to admit that you had a hand on the incident! Guy was lying the entire time when I emailed him!
07-06-10 08:06:29
pinoyirish23 ::: Favorites
no you immature!nah!
07-07-14 13:32:06
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
I know! So? This my channel!
07-07-14 20:07:52
pinoyirish23 ::: Favorites
you can keep your channel and shove it!
07-07-16 19:24:02
Kalamolng ::: Favorites
I will! Loser!!! Hhaha!
07-07-17 07:31:01

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