Saturday, September 29, 2007

Zhirinovskij predrekaet konec Latvii

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-21 12:49:21
User: sgeichman
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Zhirinovskij predrekaet konec Latvii


RmanDC ::: Favorites
ej nahuj
07-09-04 15:10:33
janusheks ::: Favorites
krievu cūkas - ārā no Latvijas!!! vācieties uz savu sūda krieviju!!! nāvi krievam!!!
07-08-15 10:54:43
LApartyDude ::: Favorites
he like to talk bullshit
07-08-02 18:58:41
13krisjanis ::: Favorites
zhirinovsky is a clown with no self respect. he'd shove his head up his ass if that would get him support from the voters. either that or he's simply a retard - a person that the alcohol intoxicated nation of russia can relate to.
07-07-21 13:09:16
sgeichman ::: Favorites
Esli Latishi takaja nichtozhnaja nacija, a Russkie takaja velikaja - mozhno pointeresovatsja chto ti delaesh v Velikobritanii? Zhivi sebe v svoej velikoj Rossii (kotoraja kstati po vsem ekonomicheskim i socialnim pokazateljam nahoditsja gluboko v zhope, dazhe otnositel'no "nichtozhnoj" Latvii). A Zhirinovskij ne politik a kloun. Jazik zhe ne mozhet bit' nichtozhnim po opredeleniju, eto ti chto to sputala.
07-07-20 08:00:07
Annabelj ::: Favorites
Vi graznije lobatije porasata ne smejte oskorblatj na6ih politikov vi n i4toznaja nacija, i jezik va6 ni4toznij , i voobs4e v mire nikto ne znajet gde va6a Latvija 4ertova nahditsa .Horo6ij jezik takoj dal6e Kleperovki i Makarovki nikto ne ponimajet.
07-07-20 07:49:40
fucitis ::: Favorites
Had I ever said I want to have a place "there"? :D with such metally ill exemplars as Zhirin..? No, no, thanks! ;D I believe in Karma & natural selection; sooner or later everything will be as it should be
07-07-07 17:39:16
mmanimation ::: Favorites
What a monkey!
07-06-29 06:42:16
vokhjulia ::: Favorites
babe....u'd better chew yr chewing gum and watch yr mtv....let the guys do their business--there's no place for u there...
07-06-24 19:48:44
shavimusha ::: Favorites
fuck russia ! latvians we georgians are with you! we will help any time ! lets get together and kick some russian ass ! god bless all who is againts russia ! fuck russia !
07-06-13 16:52:33

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