Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cry for Ron Paul - final cut

Duration: 02:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 08:50:54
User: BelgiansForPaul
:::: Favorites
Description: Ron Paul is inspiring people from all over the world.

ProspectorSam ::: Favorites
Wonderful! This is very encouraging; I'm going to make sure my people here in Oregon see this video. I love that you explain some of the trouble with the EU; more Americans need to be alerted to that and of course the emerging NAU. RP 08 FTW
07-08-14 07:38:49
cnerd2025 ::: Favorites
This is absolutely wonderful! Having lived in Germany, I loved visiting Belgium and I can say I love you all as well. Peace and blessings from Virginia in the USA.
07-08-14 20:07:30
metalheadlatino ::: Favorites
Ron Paul voted in 1997, 2001 and 2002 to grant, extend or continue Section 245-i amnesties for illegal aliens. Paul voted NO on extending the voluntary Basic Pilot Workplace Verification Program Paul voted NO on the border fence in 2005 (Hunter Amendment to HR 4437 Paul voted YES to increase H2-B and H-1B visas,In 1998, he voted to allow US firms to lay off Americans to replace them with foreigners ron paul is for amnesty newswithviews. com/public_comm/public_commentary48.htm
07-08-16 11:04:17
Bumblebee033 ::: Favorites
END MACHINE-BASED VOTING: Sign this petition by "We The Patriots(dot)org" Let's Bring back the FAIR, and ACCURAT, hand counted paper ballot system at: w w w(dot)wethepatriots(dot)org Please sign your name to our letter to Congress and let them know we want an OPEN paper hand count of every vote. NO MORE HACK JOB MACHINES !
07-08-16 15:58:03
boydamac ::: Favorites
lmao. good lord it'd suck to live in belgium.
07-08-17 17:19:38
josephusofantioch ::: Favorites
Great music, the violin and harpsichord always sound great together. Although I don't like lambric beer, I'll toast one to my brothas in Belgium living under that b/s. Vote for the U.S. Constitution, vote for Ron Paul!
07-08-17 23:10:10
N0diggityN0doubt ::: Favorites
ron paul 2008
07-08-19 18:26:49
jonsovran ::: Favorites
Cheers for the young men in Antwerp who inspires all in the fight against Tyranny. Principles of truth & justice, etc, must not be subordinate to thugs using government for their evil ends. If there be gov't, it must never initiate force against peaceful people, since each has a Birthright of Liberty. I salute Ron Paul's political efforts & you fine youths of Antwerp! Keep that Spirit Alive and pass it on to awaken others to a life of FREEDOM! the Rational Rebel
07-08-21 02:13:19
nevrdull101 ::: Favorites
so let me get this straight: for the bitterness between flemish people and walloons you turn to ron paul? how is this going to help reconcile belgians amongst each other, save for a separation of the belgian state? it s also somewhat hypocritical for a belgin to bitch about the eu: belgium has taken vast amounts of benefits from the fact that most institutions are settled in brussels.
07-08-21 10:09:09
lordmetroid ::: Favorites
Hey, lots of land was legitimatly purchased... Manhattan for example!
07-08-21 13:36:58

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